
Did you not see when Donald Trump, Jr. tweeted out evidence of his explicit attempt to collaborate with Russian interests to damage Hillary Clinton or what

> I suppose the Strzok/Page texts don’t matter in this case?

The Washington Free Beacon got the ball rolling, if you’ll recall. Steele said after he put the document together that he was desperate to see Trump not elected. Given what’s in the dossier, that is the normal reaction that anyone would have.

> was of interest in an investigation where they wrongfully, and most likely illegally (waiting on transcripts from FISC to know for sure), used that information to obtain warrants against US Citizens.

Uh, this informed point of view relies on an insane conspiracy theory about FISA courts and Carter Page, but I guess maybe reading the news isn’t your thing

Hey are you going to explain how Trump caused the recent market correction

Uh, 27 degrees fahrenheit is -3 Celsius. It’s currently -6 in Toronto and I thought it was actually pretty nice this AM. Americans! Long underwear for -3? I get that not moving for a while can make you pretty cold but like, come on.

Wait till you find out about Yakub

After her employee was apparently groped, the manager told her not to call police, lied about or destroyed video evidence, and fired the employee? Caroline Clear seems like not the best person.

Cavill’s entire role appears to be reshoots, I would guess around 2/3 of it.

Which mostly good movie did you like, because there were about 7 in that film

So the easier solution that buying this is learning to sew, getting the material, sewing all the pockets myself, filling them, sewing them up, and finishing the stitching so that it’s comfortable, all while I’m a junior seamster. Or I could buy it on Amazon. “Easier” is the word you would use here

So the easier solution that buying this is learning to sew, getting the material, sewing all the pockets myself,

I hate Illinois Nazis.

Bekah seems cool

Except that didn’t happen, not least because any editor would have no reason to kill this story and every reason to publish it.

It’s highly unlikely that a reporter who heard stories about sexual abuse wouldn’t investigate them. It’s even less likely if the allegations involve the doctor of an Olympic team against young women.

And the first time he wasn’t listed was the game he tore his ACL.

It’s Robby, actually. Not Robert.

Came to post this, I didn’t know he wasn’t out at the Games. I mean, did you see his costume?

The Academy film ratio (which is what you’re referring to) isn’t actually 4:3, but it’s easy to project that way. It’s why lots of movies from the 1930s and 1940s look boring as heck. Then they started releasing films in widescreen in the 1950s and we never looked back.