
Nobody was disgraced except maybe AJ. And the whole point of Deadspin is that it doesn’t do access journalism, it does accountability journalism.

Not only is the arena way out in the suburbs, the parking is a complete disaster and leaving the parking lot after the game takes an hour at minimum - even if you take transit.

Yeah, there’s no way they could, say, strip out the name and email for complaints. That would be way too hard.

Two things: Bloodhorse is a badass name for a magazine, and the 12-year-old nerd in me has to correct the misuse of “Nazgûl” (although I appreciate the proper use of a circumflex). The winged creatures that the Ringwraiths (aka the Nazgûl) ride after they are de-horsed by Arwen are properly known as Fell Beasts.

This comment is stunning. You genuinely think there should be MORE disincentives against reporting rape? You genuinely believe that all rapes get reported, that women have no issues reporting rape, that police officers treat every allegation of sexual assault seriously and bother to investigate it, and that the real

Do you think cheerleading is a sport where women simply show their bodies?

Using race-based assumptions about QB talent is making it a race thing, actually.

Is he a counselor? I thought he was the assistant cook.

The right to defend one’s self is not a fundamental human right. You’re mixing it up with the right to security of the person - you have the right to not need to defend yourself. You don’t have a fundamental human right to own a gun any more than you have a fundamental human right to own a nuclear missile.

And I don’t disagree. But the challenge for a lot of people was to understand that, while they themselves may not have extreme prejudices, supporting a system that reflects those prejudices is the same thing. That’s why they bristle at the word racist - it could similarly apply to everyone who voted for a

Why do Americans think it’s okay that active shooter training is necessary? People in the US seem to shrug off news of a mass shooting, like there’s nothing that can be done. The complacency is so bizarre. Like, you don’t have to have mass shootings. That’s a choice you’re making as a society.

It’s not that they’re all racists, it’s that they’re fine with racism.

I’ve always thought it kind of silly that songs are protected by copyright in this way, as influences as such a big part of music and there are a given number of pop approaches for any genre. Artists’ rights should be protected, but even the Hollies didn’t know Thom Yorke had ripped off “The Air that I Breathe” in

Same. A big reason I avoid online games is because the level of conversation is so utterly awful.

I hope that’s the case, but I worry that again and again the loudest voices reflect these terrible ideas.

“You know, I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.”

This is the gaming mainstream. This sort of thing is accepted and defended basically anywhere games are discussed. Video games have the worst fanbase

I take amphetamines for ADHD and am really good at most video games, like usually top 5 in online shooters/playing at the hardest difficulty on SP. A lot of that comes from a lifetime of gaming, but I never made the connection until now. I’m doping in the least useful way.

That swinging gate play is one of my favourite in NFL history. He called it, the other team called a timeout, and then he called it again. At the end of the first half. Amazing.

The rest of the videogame industry isn’t doing much better, unfortunately. “Juvenile” is the dominant approach.