For all you tender, young melting snowflakes out there, the climate crazies predicted nothing correct on the first Earth Day 47 years ago in 1970. Since then they have predicted nothing correct. Even Al Gore’s movie was just a bunch of Lies.
Psh, anyone can dodge a ball thrown at the ribs. Try dodging a bat swung at his head while he isn’t looking.
Yeah absolutely bang on. Reminds me a lot of Sabre the surfer girl - to anyone else it would seem very put on but that’s just how we act!
Yeah! The NBA used to not be dominated by a couple teams! Continues to cite the 80s and 90s... The Lakers won 5 championships in the 80s and made it to 8! 3 rings for the Celtics and 5 appearances. Sixers and Pistons take one. On to the 90s. Same Pistons team wins 1. Bulls win 6. Rockets 2. Next the Spurs and Lakers…
If there were no salary cap and no max contracts, some teams would undoubtedly spend more, and then all teams would have to spend more, increasing both the potential risk and reward of building a team.
Well, see, these are all some of the other reasons that could have a more negative effect on the auto industry. Believe it or not, I agree with you 100%. And all these factors will come into play eventually. Just not immediately.
I agree there.
Right. Forgot about that. Yeah. Probably is him then.
How do you know it wasn’t an oversight? Again, been there, done that in my industry.
Right? Now that Schefty can cover NBA and NFL for them, the don’t really need all of the extra sideline reporters. If they come for Doris Burke, I will riot.
The “Which one is nick collison” game is pretty tough.
It’s been years and I still don’t know if I like Ryen Russillo or not.
Why would you write that when you could have written “Dick 4:69" instead? What a wasted opportunity.
I have to disagree with you coach. True championship pee is Burnt Orange.
Why doesn’t the NBA mind the player-for-a-day thing when it comes to Derrick Rose?
It’s interesting and a bit weird whenever a celeb shaves off their famous beard.
I love all the expert opinions here from people that don’t actually have any kids.