
welcome to our jeep cherokee

Our Jeep Cherokee has a terrible 9 speed and i’m not sure we’ve ever gotten it past 8th. It’s been software updated with almost every oil change.

We should call a spade a spade, this guy along with rex ryan are foot supremecists.

sorry, one more thing - both hydrogen and electric no matter how you calculate it has higher eMPG even after figuring conversion loss and other losses, the problem moreso is that they aren’t price competitive (batteries and fuel cells are significantly more expensive than an ICE) Ethanol is just bad and patched

The answer is both, both electric and hydrogen. Hydrogen is better for distance, but both are potential energy stores. Both are expensive though, especially hydrogen which in current state needs a lot of platinum (yes GE is Proof of concepting non-platinum cells but its non-production ready.)

Is this the other 5v3 with endzone throw?

Now playing

No he’s irish, but he writes for footballoutsiders and he’s Lebatard’s weekly football expert:

Except they got beat on 5 v 3 situations

Plus, I think he made up half those taco bell items, or at least I hope he did.

Time for a 5150, Kanye - and a new album title.

didn’t go back and check which it tied to but I don’t think oliver’s usage is easily available. TrueUsage is also interesting.

unfortunately he mostly covers football and the shitty minor city that is indianapolis. Wah hot takes because people don’t feel like road back to backs in indy are super important.

Eisen and David Aldridge too

well, its a small investment by big companies to try to move the margins with embedded content, I’d love to know the pricing for the the don julio shot of the week along with the callaway par3 contest and whatever else they do.

Kevin O’connor is very raw (hell, on the ringer nba podcast he just said usage includes assists, which it doesn’t, but speaks to his attempt to also be analyticsy) and doesn’t have good NBA access like what Lowe got and developed with ESPN. I don’t read most of it as it tries to be Lowe-ish but isn’t as good and

except many (most?) people don’t live in the same jurisdiction as their employer and now you’ve let people with inherited wealth/retirees/no-jobs get by without paying anything. works in some places, ruins others.

Great, Another player that I really enjoy that everyone dislikes. (See: Ashley Cole)