This was after the 400# Siragusa project failed
This was after the 400# Siragusa project failed
Will he be able to rape again?
Hope you can find some 93 up there for the car, it’s tough to find anything beyond 91 octane (and full 10% ethanol) in that area
I understand the call and I understand it’s related to grantland/simmons, but He’s not the only awesome NBA writer at ESPN, I think pelton and arnovitz are just as good and there are several more.
He’s too expensive to be a column writer himself anymore which is a good thing, but I still generally enjoy listening to his podcasts and he does have a lot of good ideas still, even if you have to filter out some of his dumb comments.
some people think that Manning’s behavior was naughright
sure, that’s smart. Most of the big lakes in maine you’re in the middle of nowhere, you’re going to want 16+ for a fishing boat and 19+ feet for cruising and winter facilities are in short supply. But most people aren’t going electric up there due to harsh negative temps.
I miss my ‘05 wrx, 130k great miles in that POS interior. Haven’t read a post about the glass transmission/glass 2nd gear that gets posted seemingly daily.
uh, that seems more dangerous than usually since I thought much of the limiting was about maximum draw from the batteries.
try renting a car for towing lulz. but it’s somewhere in between. if you’re getting a model x you should be able to afford something for towing your boat
people used to say triptronic shifting. :murder:
after explaining this to my wife 50 times: she still gets it wrong, i still correct her and she still threatens to fight me while telling me she doesn’t care
michael bay continues to try to destroy my childhood memories.
tow distance at max load seems to be ~110-120 miles. I’d have a lot of range anxiety in upstate ny, vt, nh, maine to figure out a midpoint charge.
that’s for the x right? s has been limited to 130 previously.
are both the s and x software limited to 130 mph? Maybe the timing over the 1/4 isn’t so different due to nearing the limiter?
this guy probably wants hand-checks back,illegal defense and to get rid of that pesky three point line and charge circle.
The city of columbus apparently likes maize and blue
Mountain passes? driving? This car was made for warranty work, high tea and golfing.
Bumblebee is a fucking beetle not a camaro.