Yeah I flew internationally last weekend to/from Mexico and had to show my passport three or four times each way. NO WAY he gets on a plane in a major European city without doing the same.
Yeah I flew internationally last weekend to/from Mexico and had to show my passport three or four times each way. NO WAY he gets on a plane in a major European city without doing the same.
It's Tesla. Just be happy if you get the same tires on all 4 wheels.
Some British bullshit, pouring tea on your windshield. This is America, get that gun out the glovebox and shoot the snow off.
Most of them won’t, but 100% of them will argue until they’re blue in the face about why the Cybertruck could totally do ALL THE THINGS. I’m surprised our resident “You just don’t understand!” Tesla apologist hasn’t popped in yet to explain why getting it stuck is actually a good thing that Elon planned.
No it’s completely because they want the subscription for updates. Otherwise they’d have an app that you can download map updates from your phone through bluetooth.
This is how you get your Christmas Tree
If he’s a spy, he’s the least competent one in the history of spying. A government is going to have no trouble at all ginning up fake documents (or more likely, real ones) good enough to get you through the air travel system, and buy you a ticket.
Given how well current Tesla owners over estimate the capability of their car’s features because of tweets from an idiot man-child, I fully expect all the off-road recovery YouTubers to be busy for the next five years.
“Tell them they’ll live to regret this.”
And I remember being slightly put off, which I usually am about doing anything, because I had to go find this studio in the middle of Tucson. I believe it coincided with me visiting my parents, and I needed to get it done. I knew very little about the show.
“not the hotter younger” brother of Frasier”
Was that ever really supposed to be a part of Niles’ appeal?
The man looks quite good for a 64-year old, particularly without the benefit of a pre-show hour in hair and makeup.
My only regret with this is that they couldn’t get absolutely legend Judy Greer in. Seriously, played the craziest character on TV.
“I was hoping it wouldn’t end. Maybe people don’t like it anymore? I don’t know.”
He really wants to focus on his leatherworking business, David Pierce Hide.
Here’s someone with probably a $40-$50m net worth who has lived a life of endless luxury since the 90s. Its 30 years later, he’s aged, and not the “hotter younger” brother of Frasier, but an old man too. He can only either get a “hey this isn’t terrible but wow that guy looks old” or very badly embarrass himself for…
Because they switched the show off and back on again?
Admittedly knowing very little about him, he strikes me as the kind of person who would prefer to do work that interests him over money he doesn’t need. Given that he was making about $1M per episode, I’m gonna guess he doesn’t need anymore money.
You see him reach up to turn on the lights.
If I were one of the victims I would want the parade to continue. Letting some old bastard end it because he’s selfish and feels entitled to own the roads seems wrong. As long as nobody died and the people hurt were in stable condition, let the parade continue. Don’t let some old jackass ruin it for all of the…