Enough of this hippie nonsense, this is clearly an Act of God!
Enough of this hippie nonsense, this is clearly an Act of God!
What a shame there wasn’t a good guy with a gun there to protect him from that Kentucky thug.
Awesome! We should totally have equal representation in voting maps!
They’re living up to their name.
Only Fox and Dunning Kruger Times tell the truth! Share if agree, gobbless!
It’s only a magic cup if you choose...wisely.
It’s probably ill-advised, but I think that would be a great tattoo.
Hilarious that you would use the word credibility after her name.
He also looks like the Uncle Jimbo that would be cooking the meth.
Look at how cute that mouse it. I recommend you pet it. No bias here, trust me.
I can’t wait to see the end!
RobotWars just got bumped up a notch.
Isn’t the Titanic basically surrounded by a debris field?
Now there’s one less.
Ted Cruz’s Cancun plane tix don’t buy themselves!
There’s a distinct possibility that one has now.
This story is going to slat all the racist slugs.
He really won’t need OJ’s advice until he shoots someone in the middle of Fifth Avenue.
The Sgt. Pepper movies with the Bee Gees?