
A worthy death, after “cheesing” to world first. /sarcasm off

To say it with the words of an AI - Jordan Peterson: “Up yours ! Woke moralists !”

More power to her.

What did Alexa say ?

Yes, it’s called NFT.

Gaming equipment was always a bit of a luxury and a hungry moneysink for the years to come, but there is a certain point when things don’t feel right anymore. Nvidia has reached this point. Not only the financial target, but also the framework an philosophy for their products.

I dont really know why this makes me so happy.

I feel like this is the appropriate pricetag for this game.

Yeah, except that i had a lot of fun to 100% AC:Origins and AC:Odyssey.

Yeah, i also did not find the perk “Stopp stuttering everytime you get hit or block attacks from humans”

Made my day, thank you.

Why does all this remind me of “Second Life” ?

Have my towel right here.. no problem.

Yee, for some it will be hard to recover though.

Jep, thats the new meta. PR+Days Off+Comebackstream Hype.

It does not matter if it takes 50 hours or 500 hours when the game is so boring that you put it down after 20 hours.

Yess... dump all that crypto currency into NFT’s .. brilliant.


LuL ! Was about to write the same...