
To be fair, when Harley Quinn Smith was born the on-screen character was still wearing a jester's outfit and voiced by Arleen Sorkin.

Any movie with that murderer's row on on-screen bad guys — John Lithgow, Christopher Lloyd, Vincent Schiavelli, Dan Hedaya, not to mention Clancy Brown and a Jonathan Banks cameo — was worth the price of admission.

It has interesting characters and a unique mythology that allows for everything from CGI aliens to magic/supernatural stuff to wuxia acrobatics.

How hard would it have been for MGM to cut checks to Rauch and Richter, give them bogus "Executive Producer" credits, and maybe let them into the Writer's Room to offer their unique perspectives? Seriously…Trump is a better dealmaker than the suits at MGM.

A President whose National Security Adviser has direct ties to the Russians, standing by while he decides on whether to start a war?

Which MGM just ensured would never happen in this case. Is there any franchise creator MGM hasn't f*cked over?

And that's all been explained as MCU canon? If you remind me which episode it was in, I can call it up on Netflix.

Wasn't that the movie about the 1964 Presidential race?

My mind jumped to the fact that "Documentary Now!" has done loving homage/parodies of both Stop Making Sense and Swimming to Cambodia. It's clear that Fred Armisen, Bill Hader, Seth Meyers and Rhys Thomas were major Demme fanboys.

I can accept that, I suppose.

"This is gonna be worth it…[SLAP] AAUGH!!"

When Bakshi tells the production assistant he could take her furniture shopping, that was almost a literal transcription of something Trump said on the Access Hollywood tape from 2005.

The new person maker is basically a 3D printer for human tissue…so in other words they'll be making next-gen Westworld host bodies?

Speaking of terrigenesis, it just occurred to me to ask: Why didn't May die from exposure to the mists when she threw the crystal at Daisy's feet and stood there while she cocooned? Framework programming error?

The magazine is bigger on the inside.

Since they went to all the trouble of writing a "Family Feud Time Travel Edition" sketch, you'd think someone would have been game to deliver a Richard Dawson impression, oozing smarm and kissing all the ladies. Anything to fill the time between Fallon's quick-changes.

Back when Seinfeld, Cheers, Frasier, Friends, Mad About You and/or Night Court were still a thing (not necessarily in that chronological order).

If the budget had allowed, I would have loved to have seen Avasarala's shuttle do a long, close-in pass of the Guanshiyin, just so the audience could witness Mao's ostentatious extravagance.

The Guanshiyin is nowhere near Jupiter. But if a couple of people needed to get to Jupiter real fast…there might be a solution close at hand. Remember that this is the Mao FAMILY'S yacht.

That's Wet Navy thinking.