
@Clashwerk: I believe they did. Go to your local VW dealership, and ask for something called a "Tiguan".

@Spasticteapot: Oh, and it's never been available with the LS3. IIRC, the LS3 was the new base motor for the Corvette in 2008. I don't think the CTS-V was offered in 2008, but, by 2009, the CTS-V had moved on to the supercharged LSA, a variant of the LS9 used in the ZR1. Before that, it rocked the LS2. Before

@Spasticteapot: Dude, so much hate. GM's had the diff problem sorted over a year and a half ago. Maintenance isn't going to be as big of a deal as you think it is. The motor is as complicated as a 1920's tractor motor compared to the stuff under the hoods of BMWs and Mercs. As for the suspension bits - isn't most

@Nik Zak: Wait 5 years. Depreciation on this one is going to be a bitch. Pick up a nice, minimally-hooned, fully maintained used one for 20 or 25 grand.

@kdupree: So some pervy, handsy TSA agent "enhancedly" patting down your 14 year old daughter is just peachy with you? I think the terrorists have already won.

@Cheeseslap spanks his ACR for being good: Hang on, take a close look at picture 2 in the second set — it really looks like they are more like removable panels that come completely off for some reason.

@Dirlotron: See, there's your problem. This was the last Lamborghini that doesn't have Audi fingerprints on it.

@Scale: Ooohhh! a Baretta, great choice! I'd like to nominate any car named after a gun.

There's $900 worth of fun in there for someone who even just half knows what they're doing. NP

@SantaRita: I see what you did there.

@heltoupee: Dammit nibbles. Just. Goddammit.

@SantaRita: I see what you did there.

@twinrotormotor: When did they start hiring Aston Martin designers?

We misspell 'speed' in the same paragraph that we tease the poster for his interesting spelling of the word 'carburetor'? Unless '4-spped' is actually a little-known brand of transmission? #corrections