@mkbruin: I'm still on the fence. I already told him I didn't think it was a good idea, and he said he'd done it before, and nothing bad came of it, and it stopped burning oil. It's not eating very much, so I'm probably going to tell him that we'll think about switching later. Right now, if it ain't broke, don't…
@Tossed Pissed Mazda3hatch sideways: GM says: "Zee Germans are late to zee party again!"
@Dab O' Swine: I drive a VW with the 2.5 5-banger that VW recommends synthetic for, and I've used synthetic for all 120,000 miles. It burns oil. Not a huge amount, but enough. My mechanic (whom I trust) wants to try conventional oil, because the synthetic is actually thinner at a given viscosity rating than a…
When my Dad took me shopping for my second car (my first being my Grandma's old rust-bucket Ford Escort), he made a big deal out of taking me to look at a cherry red Opel GT that was sitting on a used car lot in town for what I remember being a fairly reasonable price. The thing was completely rust-free. I was in…
There's one guy in the world that would pay that for this.... thing. Unfortunately, that guy is the one selling it. C-to-da-P
@boluke01: Don't forget the $5 bottle of Rain-X
@BrtStlnd: Everybody seems to think they look angry. I think the
@im2fools: So, the typical Palm user is a very successful ex-CEO
@Porkbun: There's still a few of us, and no, we're not all old.
@LandofMinos. So stupid, he makes two short planks look like a
@maximum_sarge: No, man. You missed it. He said he was a "mechanic
This is the perfect high-school-kid car. Big enough to haul around friends without being too big. Not fast enough to get them in any real trouble. Convertible, which is cool. Fairly invisible to cops because of all the boring. For $1500, what more could you want? NP
@Doozle: this car was obviously in a fairly major accident. I'm thinking it was single-car — slid into a curb at speed and everything got jarred loose (janky rear wheel is a dead giveaway). Then, he either cashed the insurance check, spent the cash on drugs/strippers/electronics/whatever, or didn't have insurance,…
@OMG! Mike Zuniga!: Totally agree. He could have done this with cardboard and carving foam, got the same look and feel, and would have spent much less time and energy.
@Weakskills: An RPG fired from the back of a panel van would work pretty well, too. You get the added bonus of not having to sneak crap through airport security, not having to be on the plane, and I know a guy that knows a guy in Kazakhstan that will sell you them for the price you'd spend on that C4 and fancy…
@ShantJ: I would prefer we use the brazen bull: [en.wikipedia.org]
@Hooray4Zoidberg: Seems like a whole lot of effort for an Apathy function. Mine looks more like:
@D.LYTE: Welcome to America. We'll bend over backwards for your rights as long as you have money we can take. If you don't, ...meh.
@wanderingrabbi: Tell Mahatma Ghandi that.