@SupaPhly: Basically, we all get together and decide which crooks will be stealing er... "appropriating" our money for the next 2 to 4 years.
@SupaPhly: Basically, we all get together and decide which crooks will be stealing er... "appropriating" our money for the next 2 to 4 years.
@Syrax: Otherwise known to VW mechanics as the "Achtung, Karl! Here comes zee dummkopf in zee fancy Passat. Vee are eating zee good schnitzel tonight!"
Still no love for WebOS, huh? A couple of us still have Palm phones, thank you.
@JumpJet27: I declare the headlight design to be perfect. Now, let's go drive it where the streets have no name...
@bender123: 1: Trickle-Down Economics — the belief that if you give a wealthy man keen in the practice of hoarding money an opportunity to spend less, he will invariably spend more.
@Dancing Milkcarton: They were the ones that signed it into law, and made sure to scribble a little "except for us" at the bottom?
@Jon J: I think this is precisely the answer we're looking for. A very-good-in-it's-own-right vehicle that was completely blown away by the next model down the line.
@DeadinSide Inc.: Wow, so, you're like the Adolf Hitler of grammar Nazis.
@Tiberiuswise: #cotdnominations Although the Starfleet Academy window sticker may be replaced by something B5/Battlestar/Star Wars themed. My choice would be something along the theme of "She'll make point five past lightspeed. She may not look like much, but she's got it where it counts, kid. I've made a lot of…
@Se7en_speed: Has a very prominent "V" on the back, right?
@ryosen: Very well put!
curated, schmurated! Equip it with a fully-functional web-browser and I've got my $250 for you right here.
@patman: For no other reason than to make a slightly cheaper home for that badass crate motor, right?
So, basically, "One Kia that doesn't suck — the one that sucks the hardest". It only "doesn't suck" because it's up against the suckiest class of vehicles that ever sucked. It's like saying that if you're going to get shit on your hands, it might as well be dog shit, because it's cheap, looks like all the other…
@Debonair: Yep. Same designer did both, so it's not surprising. And it's spelled "Opel".
@geistkoenig: Woah. I don't feel like I can even afford to LOOK at those, much less think about making an offer. I wonder if offers are made rounded up to the nearest truck-load of cash.
Meh. I was hoping for some sparks or fire or something. You don't even get a shot of the Bugatti's cracked $30,000 taillight.
Anyone seen the commercials with Mike Rowe from "Dirty Jobs" where he's pitching Ford trucks, and ends his pitch with "and Ford Ranger, the most fuel-efficient truck in it's class"? Uh, Mike, they don't sell that one anymore...