@JoeDapper: Haha. Me too. North-West side of Normal. Just drive past all the drunk college students, and then turn left — that's my house. I have a cabin up on the Mississippi just south of Galena, and the wife and I do the Starved Rock thing, so I'm on 39 probably every other week or so.
To the author — I see the same Vixen every time I travel north up I-39. There's an RV dealership in El Paso, IL that has had one sitting derelict on their lot for as long as I can remember. The name of the place is, creatively, "El Paso RV" — [www.elpasorvsales.com] . I don't know if it's for sale, but it's…
@hilum17: [www.h1v8.com] You can get them pre-built and rarin' to go.
@JackTrade: After Sammy blew a tire out doing 125, he sobered up a bit, and realized that he'd like to be going about 63.
@Jackie: So, 4-to-5 and 5-to-4 is a real bitch, huh?
Scion out. Chevy 6th-gen Monte Carlo in. Seriously. The Tc is just a "look, we can build a Civic, too." Never meant to be fast. The Chevy? Holy crap. The minute that car (and I'm using the term incredibly loosely) started winning some NASCAR races, rednecks started buying the "poseur editions" in droves. From…
Go on and write me up for one-twenty-five,
@notlauf: I'll just leave this here. Seriously, I'm supposed to be intimidated by that!?!?!?
@SpikeJnZ + GT35R = Love: I believe the correct answer for that is: "Because the plane turned the other way, and I was just trying to keep 'er straight."
"The Fifth Element" called. Wants its futuristic Utopian New York City back...
Honda Prelude. Can't actually find a shot from the commercial, but the ad showed someone hooning the hell out of a 4th gen Prelude, then Dr. Ruth (Westheimer) gets out and says "My advice to you is get a Prelude." Reasonably suggestive, yes?
@hypo: I do too. Unfortunately, these things are meant to be beat the hell out of, so I don't know if you're going to be able to find a used one in 5 years that hasn't been rolled.
I believe we were promised photos of London, France, and dimly-lit lingerie models captured in great detail. What's with the chick burning the hay bale?
@tekamul: A Mazda 5 for you, then?
@Carl Levine: What's the great news?!?!?!? I'm dying in anticipation!
@PotbellyJoe - wants to build a little turtle fence around his soul: Subaru – Don’t sell in volume anywhere outside of the Northeast <<
@caine3320001: I had one of those from Sears with the B&S engine, leftover from Grandma's house when she moved into assisted living. I ran the thing for 4 summers without doing anything more to it than putting gas in. No plugs, no oil, nuthin'. Turns out that the oil pan leaked quite badly - a problem that had…