
@War2d2: Secure In His Own Manhood: Your bullet-points for "great car" include "Power delivery system designed so poorly it would kill you if not pointed in a straight line"? I can't decide if you're thinking crazy, or crazy-awesome.

@pj134: Oh, and the lights only work sometimes, and when they do, they constantly flicker. They had some guy named "Lucas" do the wiring.

@Fractal the Meek: It's not different at all. This is the same thing. They're just re-announcing it because they desperately need developers.

@Half the wheels and twice the fun: Excellent choice, and you beat me to it. I would have put up the yellow one, though. Always thought the NSX looked best in pussy-magnet yellow.

If the McLaren F1 does not make this list, I will be extremely surprised.

I took a look at the picture from the front and thought: "hey, that kinda looks good". I saw the one from the back, and thought the same thing. When I saw it from the side, all I could think was: "Dear God, kill it with fire!" Ill-proportioned doesn't begin to describe it.

One down.

@burglar: Nissan and Ford, unfortunately. Nissan's got the 350 and 370, and of course, Godzilla. Ford's got the new Mustang, which is light-years ahead of where they were with the previous generation.

@clevemire: Beat me to it. As a man, you should never be in one of these things. Ever. I was going to try to argue that the turbocharged one might have been fun, but forgot that it had the 1.8, which is weak sauce. I drive a car with the 2.5 I5 that's in the 2006+ ones. Makes roughly the same numbers, and the

@luisthebeast: Wasn't the new GTO in the US a rebadged Holden something-or-other with 5.7 Vette motor?

@Shamoononon: That's not a donk. This is a donk!

@Dirt Pirate: None of the weird Japanese stuff was. I nominate "weird Japanese stuff in general" as an honorary 11th entry in this top 10.

@heltoupee: Picture eaten. Probably by kids...

Put kids in them. 10 minutes after you get the kids in, the back seat will be covered with spit, vomit, excrement, Goldfish crackers, and broken trim pieces.

Nice story about starting a manual in gear. My wife half ran me over with her first car when she realized just a moment too late that the clutch-starter interlock on it didn't work and started it with me standing just outside the driver's door next to her.

@packratmatt: Seconded. Plus, from stories I've heard, LeMonsers are all very approachable and funloving. It's rare you find a group with a douchebag constant as low as this among car-enthusiast subcultures.

@heltoupee: Dammit nevermind. Wrong guy. Who the heck is this Bill Hader guy, anyway?

Dude! It's MacGruber! He would be sportin' a rockin' mullet and rockin' out with his IROC out!