Let's help 'em out

No. Again, she did not turn them over to the state department when she left office. That is illegal.

1.And you literally don’t understand what happened if you think Colin and Hillary are in the same boat. Colin turned over all his emails. Hillary didn’t. That’s a big fucking difference, private server or not.

Pointing at Bush and saying, “But Mom, he did it too!” is juvenile and is exactly the type of dumbass defense that republicans usually offer when called on their bullshit.

“anti-Clinton bias”? What planet do you live on?

Can’t lie, I googled, her tits aren’t that big

You’re the one that is delusional. You’re literally providing the excuses that perpetuate a system where rapist get to walk free. Shame on you.

Not wishing death on her, but I will say I wouldn’t bat an eye if she got hit by a city bus or murdered.

Not paying a hooker does not equal breaking into someones house and gang raping her. That is a laughable equation, similar to “Erin Andrews sends nude photos to her BF, obviously she wanted to be secretly recorded in her hotel room”.

Alternatively, she’s lying, and an athlete as reknowned as Rose would know better (meaning he can drop $800 and have two bombshells for him and his friends) than to break into her house and gang rape her. I mean, come the fuck on. If you believe this, I have some Ocean front property in Montana to sell you.

...there is a 99.9% chance that this is not true, so enjoy away, friend.

Winner of 2 Stanley Cup championships. He’s been more successful at his sport than Rose has at his.

Yeah - I don’t mind the check mid-meal (saves everyone time), but I think it’s ridiculous to take drink orders for beer and take 20 minutes to bring them out. How long does it possibly take to get a PBR? It’s in a fucking can! And if the food is taking a while, all I ask to maintain a normal tip level is swinging by

They might not be able to control how long it takes to cook the food, but they are responsible for keeping the table informed and happy.

What are you talking about? You actually believe that there isn’t societal pressure to get married?

Or, you know, like a normal married couple, their financial situation, and thus their ability to give the best life for their kids, would take a serious beating. Divorces aren’t cheap, for anyone.

Oh, please. You have no idea what kind of father this guy is, and judging him is just like saying the woman who gets an abortion is “irresponsible” or “selfish”. GTFOH with that shit.

Says the judgmental, probably single, lady with no kids.

Now playing

You fucking moron. He paid Dee Barnes over 3 million dollars in a settlement, which is a fuckload of money for getting punched in the face.

Now playing

Yeah! So swept under the rug that VH1 covered this very topic in his Behind the Music special!

Please explain to me how hitting a car (which was at a stand still in traffic) at 45mph could be done without driving recklessly.