Let's help 'em out

“Actually our country was not built in spite of and purposefully against black people, I think your understanding of history is a bit wrong.”

Dude. Just get a pre-nup. This doesn’t seem to be as big of an issue as you think it is.

That’s true, but then the crime has to be adjusted accordingly. If the standard for sexual assault is knowing the victim was not receptive to the advances, you’re faced with the same dilemma as what Hillary had with the emails. Disorderly conduct? Absolutely. Public intoxication? yep. Sexual assault? Much trickier.


So, in your mind, it’s more likely that the a) the police lied, b) bruises hadn’t shown up yet, or c) she lied to cover for him (even though this obviously isn’t what happened, as she followed through with the charges).

Her mother said the girl went to the boys bathroom to talk to a boy she had a crush on. She said the boy wanted sex, and her daughter complied. Then, word got out.

Explain to me, then, how a man who rapes a young boy hates women.

Gee wiz, I didn’t realize that rape only happens to women, and is purely driven by hatred of women, as opposed to, say, a disgusting lack of empathy for the autonomy of another human being and the prioritization of one persons sexual desire over the rights of another.

Farewell to vile (viral Internet) man Rick Santorum

Yes, there are people like that. They’re bisexual, and I know people who personally have made the decision to stick with one gender because they prefer the dynamics of that type of relationship to the other, even though their sexual interests lie on both sides. Sure, it's anecdotal, but the logic behind it is salient

That’s a dumb argument. Marginalization can be changed, status in society can change. Would they be able to choose to be gay then?

Do you really have to make fun of our accents?

Ok, but a big fire of 50,000 walkers would SURELY attract attention of people who they don’t want to meet. Wolves, scavengers, or something even worse....

Edit: didn’t realize you already said what I was going to say. You’re 100% right though, +1

Yeah, you’d be wrong. There is an inherent disconnect between how men and women perceive social interactions - hence the whole, “Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus” trope. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve watched a female friend talk to a guy she’s interested in, and the guy has no clue. I’ve watched plenty

Don’t you think that you guys complain about men hitting on you or approaching you as much as men (not “real” men, but redditors/4chaners) spend complaining about how women suck?

Sigh. The article is all of 2 paragraphs, and you couldn’t even read that before coming to comment.

How is it clear it’s not consensual? Because he removed his lips form her vagina to breathe? What an astute observation!

Yes, it has

Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t realize we had a body language expert who specialized in the evaluation of Fratboy orgy initiation! Please, tell us more about what his body language suggests!