
Where to my posts go? OH my god... this blog system is really hard to use. I JUST posted something about not being able to post and trying to crashes Kinja. I can post today but now my posts are gone? Can someone give me the low down? What am i doing wrong? I adore this site but it's so hard to take part. :D

Does anyone else have a problem posting on Kinja? I don't have posting privileges but i can reply. HOWEVER, so many times i've tried but the site crashes. I also notice that on really long threads, like Saturday Night social, once it gets to a certain point it will NOT scroll any further — just crash. So many

I'm so sorry to read this. I got my first dog after a lifetime of cats and she is the love of my life. I cried reading about your loss like I do when i think about losing my girl. There is no bond like that we form with our animals. Your pup and a good life and she was well loved and that is the best we can do. I

Those 3D ones were amazing on sammiches. I shit you not.

I LOVE your gif! :D I am not down with a coffee flavoured chip. Then again? Ketchup lays are my very, very most favourite chip ever so... that's what I've got going on for style.

Ugh... This makes me feel all sorts of awkward — dunno why as I like boners as much as the next person but GAH!! AWKWARD...

sorry... did NOT mean to post my huge diatribe of life here... carry on.

howdy!!! *waves*. Oh my god... I am a computer girl but this commenting system dies not make it easy, eh? Thanks for saying hi... I figure I'll just comment at will until this all makes sense. :)

Hi all... I'm new here... Well, to posting anyway. I've been reading jez since the beginning abs have always wanted to be a contributor but just kind if never did. So.... Hello! : )

Please forgive me for hijacking your post!! But I just started commenting here or... Want to, but I see no way to start my own thread as it only publishes to my blog which no one reads. So... How do I get myself started? I've been reading jez since the start. Would love to contribute. : ). Sorry for the major