
" If someone want's to hit another player with their helmet"

If races are arbitrary or don't exist, as you put it, shouldn't we expect to find a mix of physical features randomly in the different peoples on a regular basis. For example, an Asian with a black person's hair or a Caucasian an Asian's eyes. The fact is that there are a group of physical features that tend to travel

No you're not required to do that... you're only required to show how species are less of a social construction than race.

But a horse/donkey can inter-breed and so can horse/zebra, donkey/zebra, lion/tiger, dolphin/killer whale etc. I don't know if anyone believes the distinction between dolphins and killer whales is a social construction.

Sams is my other ID when I'm on the phone so apologize for the multiple personalities.

There is something fundamentally different between most native Nigerians and Swedes... whatever you choose to label it is arbitrary however the difference is real and consistent.

First I think gay people should be allowed to get married but its not necessarily because I am a more tolerant person than people who disagree since I don't believe one consenting adult should be able be able to marry many consenting adults. There is no logical basis to favor gay marriage and not polygamy besides the

The problem with these types of rules isn't that they wouldn't help its more that it creates even more confusion and cognitive dissonance for the players such that its virtually impossible for them to obey. The defenseless receiver rules falls under this category. The rule is understandably a safety measure however