James James, MBDW.

Ha, I wish. I'm using "progressive" as a relative term here. I didn't grow up in Utah (although I was Utah adjacent) and I definitely got the sense things were a lot stricter there, especially in the rural areas. I've heard of all this stuff — never from actual mormons before just now — it just never was a factor for

Again, never heard of this happening to anybody. It sounds very made-up, but maybe you're right. The mormons I know are more on the progressive side.

I really wasn't. With the fornicating and the drinking coffee and the swearing.

I mean, you would have to care enough to show up.

Having been brought up in it, and still having a lot of family that in it, I have some conflicted feelings about mormonism. On one hand, it's what I was used to for a long time. It doesn't really strike me as any weirder than Catholicism or (insert Christian sect). On the other hand, so much of it is demonstrably

Probably, yeah. Mormons believe a lot of stupid shit, there's no need to make stuff up.

That is bizarre. I was raised mormon and have never heard of any courts. And they would have had some reason to try me.

Oh, fuck me, Scorpius.

What I love about Farscape is how human it is. It's about culture clash, and selfishness, and the needs of the me vs. the needs of everyone else, and how everyone on Moya tries to resolve that conflict.

Terra Firma is one of my favorite episodes of any TV show ever. After 3 1/2 seasons of searching, you might get the impression that Crichton is stuck on the intergalactic version of Gilligan's Island. So they send him home, really home, and the joke is he doesn't belong there anymore. After 3 1/2 seasons of Crichton


Obligatory "what about Pumpkinhead?"

When I was a kid a girl once asked me, "how do they raise boneless chickens? Do they just blob around the farm?"

The episode description on my cable was something like, "Bill has to convince The Doctor to fight the monks." It's too bad they didn't follow through with that. That would have been an interesting episode, even knowing they'd pull some lame deus ex machina trick to resolve it in the last 5 minutes of the show.

That limo driver was a consummate professional. Every one else just wants Coop out of their hair.

I remember sex. IIRC I quite liked it.

Hello? Harvey? Anyone?