Yeah I agree man let’s do everything in our power as gamers to run this company into the fucking ground, those pricks.
Yeah I agree man let’s do everything in our power as gamers to run this company into the fucking ground, those pricks.
If he’s using a trainer to unlock DLC that he didn’t pay for, sorry, that’s stealing. And LOL I PAID THEM ENOUGH MONEY isn’t a justification for it.
You mean the promise to not put micro transactions in the game that was made by a guy that doesn’t work anymore? Hell, they even tried to make good on it (by having drills drop ) but it’s never good enough for the ALMIGHTY GAMER.
Boy I wish I lived in your world. “I’m not paying for my big mac today because I’ve already bought like 20 big macs so that’s enough!”
You’re the reason they have to resort to micro transaction to pick up some extra income. Congrats
I think gamers have spent so much time locked in their parent’s basement that they forget that companies (and more importantly, the people that work for them) need money to survive, support their families etc and if something isn’t working the company will try to figure out something that does to get that revenue…
I don’t think there’s ever been a larger, whiny and more entitled group manbabies than the gaming community. Why anybody would want to work in the industry (outside of say. mobile cash grabs) is beyond me.
I’m starting to think mouse preference is a generation thing.
How does this affect content producers that get all their revenue from ads? Will they get a slice of this or just be shit out of luck ?
“No DLC or other garbage” is a pretty bold claim given the game is still in early access.
Probably different for everybody but distracting myself works best for me.
Bummer. My Nexus 5 shit out which is what kind of pushed me to get the 5x. I decided I was going to get another 5 until that Project Fi invite. I personally wasn’t super impressed with what the 5x had to offer but had the “ do I want to wait that long” question as well.
I actually pre-ordered it, cancelled... then got a project Fi invite so I ordered it again. I’m only slightly annoyed that it won’t be here for another week but I could apparently go pick it up in a store right now.
Guess I should trash my PC that I’ve been using to play all these online games because apparently nobody plays anymore.
Robert Kraft *offers contract*
I had the most mundane version of this happen ever.
I found if you mute the video the physical pain and suffering seems to go away rather quickly.
Also known as “dutch oven” mode for when you want to torture your passengers after a particularly spicy meal.
Probably. I was playing on a pretty heavily populated Rust server and once school hit the population died tanked. At least now I know I was playing in a server full of children and can move on to greener pastures.