Being an unlikable woman is a worse sin than being an abuser apparently. There are even people here saying that “she’s not innocent” even while they condemn him. Sexism is a hell of a drug....
Being an unlikable woman is a worse sin than being an abuser apparently. There are even people here saying that “she’s not innocent” even while they condemn him. Sexism is a hell of a drug....
So you think that your opinion about Ms. Heard’s innocence is worth more than that of the High Court of the United Kingdom?
Even if it is true that they all quarantined, how can we make sure that all the service staff they employed also did so? I genuinely doubt that Kris baked the cake and that it was a potluck...
I have just done this... finished it
Immunity through antibodies is thought to last for 3/4 months, even though it is just (scientifically informed) speculation at this point. Not only, but according to physicians in the UK approximately 30% of those who have been infected (had a positive swab) do not have antibodies
I interpreted it as weird in the sense that she’s a professional cheerleading coach - that’s VERY CLOSE to being a professional dancer! She’s clearly overqualified
I’m 39 and I think it’s happening to me too. I had very heavy bleeding for months and now nothing - no period. I’m waiting a bit to go back to the gynaecologist because I’m scared she’s going to prescribe me very heavy hormones again and they made me feel terrible. I’m kind of in mourning - I was hoping that I would…
I honestly cannot comment on this - AND I LOVE BRITNEY! - (she is the only reason why I commented on this thread). But I can say this: he is managing a billion + estate and the judge agrees that he needs to do it. I’d rather dance with her than be caught up in conspiracy theories...
It would have been with the other beneficiaries of the estate at first but needs to be approved by the judge. No money can leave the estate unless it is accounted for and approved by the judge.
I am a guardian (UK law) and let me tell you, it is no walk in the park. Guardianship (as far as I understand it) is a step before conservatorship (basically how incapacitated the person you are caring for is - in my case I am just lucky, for being a conservator means essentially only more reporting duties): for me,…
What an ugly take. I have had to take a similar position and became the guardian of one of my parents. Depending on their health and their wealth, it is basically a fulltime job. I regret not negotiating my compensation for it. I constantly get criticised for my decisions, cannot work full time, and do not get any…
How revolting and how transparent. I’m guessing you were super flattered! I hope at least you didn’t feel violated at the time.
Is this the famous post that called him out? I must look for it! I must say I feel strangely vindicated!
Probably because it was not about him and he wasn’t getting the fan-girling responses he was getting elsewhere. It seemed to me at the toe to be very much about creating cliques and marking territory.
I don’t discount the professionalism of HR staff, but I’d very much argue with your point of serious grievances normally being escalated, particularly for highly coveted jobs. I worked in investment banking and investment management for many years and the accepted wisdom was that, unless you have a slam-dunk legal…
Not everyone- I do not comment often but have been reading these sites for a long time - and I remember CA Pinkham’s time as being the worst time on this site. He was THE WORST - I commented on one of his Open Oven Door (can’t remember the exact name once) and got an extremely aggressive reply. Never commented again.…
Had it.. for us it was tea water that hadn’t quite been boiled. 5 of us ended up in the hospital in rural Morocco
I met a guy at a small gathering this weekend (it is safe to do where I am, obviously while distancing) and I have NEVER wanted to bang someone more in my life. Obviously didn’t because of said social distancing. I may have just escaped demon sperm!!
They are not flowers! It’s dyed pasta
I respectfully disagree here. I’m a white and privileged cis woman (disclaimer and apology) but I have actually always felt extreme empathy for my trans friends’ plight before they transitioned: not feeling at home in your own body and life AND worrying about the threat of death, violence, and discrimination seems to…