
I think that the Sussexes absolutely have every right to leave royal duties and the UK behind, and for one, I cannot wait to see the UK tabloids having several fits when they start doing promotion work and tv, but let’s please not indulge this narrative of Meghan being forced against her will to stick to a dress code

Honestly, that sounds like AN AMAZING night!! 

I have a pair of boots that I bought for £300 (half price) 12 years ago and, beyond a new zipper, haven’t need any repairs. It’s worth it to invest in boots!

THANK YOU!! Are we supposed to lust over a rageaholic guy with pleated pants just because his shirts are ironed and he has abs?!?

What was the cause for you and your friends?

Thank you! I’ll mention it to the doctor tomorrow!

It does suck! Thank you so much!

Thank you so much! I’ll call the doctor tomorrow!

Thank you! I will call the doctor tomorrow! I’m not panicking anymore at least!

I know, you are right! I’ll call the doctor tomorrow morning! I had a mini- freak out and feel better already! 

Thank you so much! I’ll mention it to the doctor.

Thank you! No injury and no birth control or changes. I’ll call the doctor on Monday morning.

Thank you! I was freaking out yesterday. I called a doctor friend who said it’s common in the late 30s and to just get blood work done to check hormone levels.

I KNOW that crowdsourcing medical advice is not the best and I will make a doctor’s appointment next week but I would really appreciate if anyone who has experienced the same could help my and tell me about their experience. My period has gone haywire. My period before last basically never quite stopped, I had

Android is an OS (operating system- so, software), and it works on a variety of phones (hardware), that can range from cheap to MEGA EXPENSIVE. iPhones have their own OS -iOS - that only works on their own hardware. Saying “an Android” vs “an iPhone” is a comparison that doesn’t make sense. Just decide on how much you

I have a relatively short torso but an hourglass body. High-rise jeans make me look out of proportion and pear-shaped. Lower rise jeans work MUCH better for me!  

Dude - I’m not over my ex and we broke up a year ago... I can’t imagine being in a serious relationship that has been going for 14 months now

Now playing

This should clarify why you think of Jamaican patois as an early 2000 British guy thing...

I have 4 sets that I have inherited. I just use them- they are beautiful and letting them “die” in a cupboard seems like a waste. And who would buy them??

I’ve have made it my life’s work to live in as touristy a location as humanly possible, so I’m sure I’ve been featured on many boring holiday photo.