
Download some amazing podcasts and go for a LONNNNGGG walk. It never fails to make me feel better and think,

🤷‍♀️ I admit defeat!!

That honestly cracked me up! I’ve realised the error of my ways and won’t get into an internet argument!

Sorry, but you very much are.

I am a grownup with TERRIBLE coordination, relatively fit but quite chubby and watching her pull off these incredible feats paradoxically motivates me to work out more. Not that I could ever even dream to achieve them, even after 7/8 cycles of reincarnation, but watching the supreme control she has of her body is…

Not just in Hollywood, most men with a modicum of power and money do this, starting with my dentist.

I just commented to say that I, also a very active chubby person, often have made people touch my flexed buns to feel my buns of steel. They are all always shocked.

I get what you are saying. I didn’t mean to troll, perhaps just to be a bit provocative.

Exactly in the same way as Emmanuel Macron’s wife did (I will now hide)

Ahem... “Myriad of” and “the data shows” are not necessarily wrong...

Loved this piece! Makes me want to travel back to Bahia and visit her.

The women’s team making more money for FIFA than the men’s team is, unfortunately, a US specific issue, mostly due to football (NOT SOCCER!!) not being very popular in the US. FIFA sits on the biggest sporting event in the world, which is a money-making scheme and pretty much dominated by the HUGE businesses that are…

As someone who lives somewhere very touristy, EXACTLY! We don’t hate tourists, we know you bring money and that it’s nice that people want to visit where we live, but please be mindful that this is not Disneyland and that we are real people trying to do things and get about our days. Walking through a bridge with 70…

Late to comment but felt obligatory! I think you may be forgetting about all those people that identify as British but not English. I’m definitely British but not English - grew up in England from foreign parents. Most of my friends of Asian or Caribbean heritage feel the same. British is the appropriate choice in my…

These are all doable and easy things that will probably make me feel less bored and unstimulated! I have a bunch of recipes I’ve been meaning to try, perhaps I should do that now!

This is great advice! I’ve wanted to get back into horse-riding, perhaps now is a good time to do it. 

This is such a good movie too!

Gazpacho! I use the NYT recipe