Thank you Maya! I love walking and walk a lot, and you are right, it always makes me feel better. Hope things look up soon for you too.
Thank you Maya! I love walking and walk a lot, and you are right, it always makes me feel better. Hope things look up soon for you too.
Hello! I’ve been feeling a bit stuck in a rut: I’d like to lose a little weight, I’m still hung up on my ex, my career is stagnating, social life not too exciting, drinking a bit too much...
I once dated a guy for 4 months longer than I should have - a grand total of 4 months and 2 weeks - because he made me see fireworks. The only reliable G-spot-orgasm-giver I ever dated. We had NOTHING to talk about but I still go a bit weak at the knee thinking about the sex.
I have an emergency beauty question! My shellac nails have chipped prematurely and I don’t think I will be able to get them done before my IMPORTANT work meetings next week. What can I do?? HELP!
She doesn’t look bad, she just doesn’t look younger!!!
Exactly! It doesn’t give you a younger look, just a plastic surgery look! I have an acquaintance who has so much work done and looks anywhere between 35 and a good 50 but is younger than that...
Turkey has taken in a lot of Syrian refugees. Btw, today is world refugee day. It would have been nice to see something mentioned on Jezebel.
You are forgetting HR!
I am extremely sensitive to smells as well and cannot stand to use anything scented on my body except for the perfumes I like. I get splitting headaches from mosquito repellent too. I do however use a lavender pillow spray... not sure of why this doesn’t bother me
My thoughts exactly! What 4/5 star hotel DOESN'T have a massage table? They all have spas and many offer beauty treatments in your room.
I sympathise with your point that lowly workers should not be treated poorly very much. I do myself utter best to never relieve my frustration with customer service people. HOWEVER: I live in a very touristy / movie setty area and I loathe both. Just a few months ago I was basically held hostage inside a bank branch…
Thank you!!! I HATE scented stuff. My sister used to buy all these different fruity smelling products and would smell like a mixture of banana / strawberry / coconut etc. Blergh. My least favourite is scented hand cream. I apparently have my hands on or near my facd very often and it gives me a headache.
Now, this could easily be turned into a WIN! for you! Single and with a giant box of free dildos!
I have this one!
But... there’s so much packaging! That’s so wasteful and environmentally unfriendly...
I agree very much with you that travelling opens the mind and is great for understanding other places. For what it’s worth, I’m British, have lived in the US and in other European country.
I am not disagreeing with the spirit of your comment, but just wanted to point out that Czechoslovakia hasn’t existed since 1993, so your statistic cannot possibly be true... Fighting disinformation with disinformation won’t work.
Same! I HATE drying my hair
The longer part of the waistcoat is what is meant to look like labia though... Don’t give the outfit a designer vulva!
I pointed this out above! Even if they don’t hate the step parents, I can see them not wanting them and the kids in the house!