Thanks so much for sharing!! What do you think would help you get over the feeling that you are pushing these boundaries and how could this community help?
Thanks so much for sharing!! What do you think would help you get over the feeling that you are pushing these boundaries and how could this community help?
I’m curious as to why you think that... please expand!
In my newfound enthusiasm for Mr Bieber, I forgot to congratulate my forever favourite, Ms BRITNEY SPEARS for taking good care of her mental health and being public about it. I grew up with her and have always had a soft spot for her - I only wish her and her father the best.
The more you know!
Hi Justin, I applaud you!
Indeed, I bought my very first curtains at K-Mart and they were Martha Stewart..
Wow!! This redefined having a bad taste in men!
This was my father...
I am so impressed with you!!! I have lost about 8 pounds by watching my carbs but have not gone full keto. You are motivating me to go harder. I will report back. Good luck and well done!!
It really helps. I try to get off public transport 1 stop before I need to and walk whenever I can.
Headspace works well for me. Also cooking labour intensive dishes (lasagna making all the sauces from scratch for example) while watching cooking shows on Netflix. A walk while listening to a podcast is also good.
Sounds so good. Will google a recipe and try to make it this week.
Amazing! Can I ask you how much weight you would like to loose? I need to loose 35/40 pounds and I am demotivated by how long I would need to diet for.. I do work out regularly but obviously could do more
I recently started working from home, am a night owl and have thyroid issues so will follow all of the responses to this!
This is such a good attitude. I am sure you will get where you want to be.
Scones with clotted cream and jam and cucumber sandwiches!
Then why don’t you do that for him? Get him the finest of all: retsina, olives and weed! All served on silver platters!
OMG I am googling how to make this right now
That sounds delicious! I am going to try to make that.
Fantastic! 8k is already a great goal!! I am trying to do 12k but I live in a walkable city and do not drive!