Amazing! We have been calling this “newsreader chic” or “skype interview formal” for a while. Often the result of going to the gym before work without all you need..
Amazing! We have been calling this “newsreader chic” or “skype interview formal” for a while. Often the result of going to the gym before work without all you need..
I’m noticing the barrage of abuse and I’m frankly quite appalled... No one is disagreeing that rape is a pervasive problem in society, that Brock Turner did something awful and that these crimes are unfortunately not punished seriously enough. However, and these are the points I think you were trying to make:…
A bit of sag?? I'm in my mid-30s and have resigned myself to the fact that my E-cup breasts will reach my navel in the next decade.
Agree so much! Brock Turner has committed a crime, and has been sentenced. The issue is with the justice system that let him get off so lightly. Vigilante justice is not ok - how is harassment justifiable in this case?
I am left wanting to know more! That Luann! Always a minx!
I think your opinion of Russell Brand is a tad too high.. He is quick and clever but not that well-educated and mostly a raging narcissist who can spin a simple idea well. Katie is well rid of him, in my view. He also looks like an STD in person.
The crime isn't just the damage to property, that's quite minor. Lying to the police and making a crime up on the other hand is pretty serious...
Has anyone been successful in changing a SO tragic clothing style though? I have a new man and his casual clothes are HORRIBLE and I don’t know what to do.
Adam Grant is pretty solid too
This is a lesson I wish I had remembered wednesday.. :-[
This is your best photoshop yet - I love it.
EXACTLY! At first I thought he had a tutor or something over light trousers but then he stands up and he’s wearing... bi-colour trousers? Shorts over leggings?? The fugliest suit ever??
Come on, if you are really an economics professor, you are being disingenuous. Because bond pricing is TVM - i.e. how your student loan, credit card or mortgage is priced. I’m yet to see a practical application of labour economics
What? Then why not buy practically identical Jimmy Choos?
I know I am late to the party (story of my life) - but this is amazing... In reality though she actually chose the WRONG side! Calvin Harris is Scottish (overwhelming remain majority) and Hiddles is English AND posh (those that lead us to our demise, in short..)
Ha! I don’t, I just think it would be funny.. But maybe it’s a question for my therapist ;)
I’m semijokingly thinking of getting one of my BF of 4 months to wear at my birthday party shortly. Now the question is: is he a keeper if he wears it or a keeper if he makes a run for it??
I thought that was the Mirror? But yeah, same difference really... I am still in denial and think it won’t happen after all.
ME TOO! I watched the docusoap, the Liz Taylor train wreck, follow her on Instagram, the works. She's captivating like few other celebrities for me