Tom Ford is a class act
Tom Ford is a class act
A size 40 (if French, even less so if Italian) is definitely not a “large to extra large”... It's a size 8..
I totally didn't do this twice either! Especially not once as an adult!
OMG - how I agree with your friend! I've often thought (and said) that most of my friends are more attractive than a lot of celebrities (cough cough Scarlett Johanson comes to mind after I've seen her in person) but are not paid to be attractive and look after themselves like these women
I shall speak from the heart of the British posho that I am... All of LC’s advice is well-meaning, but it ultimately is in such poor taste... The ridiculous amounts spent on tacky, disposable decor, the twee recipes, the sugary everything, the name ripped off from the budget royal Pippa... How tacky. It tries to be…
She’s sweet but SOOO BASIC AND TACKY!!
I was called beige before.. Before moving to the US it had never occurred to me that I could be described as anything other than white...
You beat me to my only ever chance to make it out of the greys. I was however going to go with the rotating version...
I prefer it to facebook but it is not the same. I use it to look at fashion and art pictures, with a few puppy photos and the occasional picture from a friend.
I can confirm - 8 visible teeth on me too
I love everything about Michelle’s look EXCEPT the neckline. The straight-across strapless makes the dress look too casual in my view. But as she is perfection, she can get away with it
Sorry, but this seems to be an incredibly inappropriate thing to say
Same here! I did better last year with frequent alcohol free days but still, bingeing is not cute at my advancing age sadly
This is hitting a note with me. I am now in my early/ mid thirties and just got my ovarian reserve tested - mostly out of curiosity as I was always quite sure I didn't want to have children. It turns out that I'm pretty close to unfertile... If I have to be honest I'm grieving a bit. I also don't know what to tell my…
I have been listening to "My dad wrote a porno" sonce day 1. It is the funniest thing ever. I won't ever be able to look at a pan, pot, trellis or tennis outfit in the same way ever. #belindablinked
I have to comment on this as I am also the daughter of an alcoholic mother that said horrible things to me.... Big big hug - that is a lie that she said, she just wanted to drag you down like all drunks do... My mother used to tell me that no one would love me because I was unlikeable and that I needed to start…