
I don’t get it either. The ‘pivot to video’ model was shown to be completely unsustainable and did not work out for, well, anyone...and that was clear years ago. It’s astonishing that they’re trying to do it now.

Even without the background Chevy drama, I wouldn’t have expected him simply because his character is dead. I know nothing is technically impossible with a show like Community, but still, dunno why speculation about that gets as much oxygen as it does.

It’s very nearly not worth doing if Glover and Brown don’t appear

Not salting the water for pasta is like not connecting the break lines on a car, both end in a spectacular fire ball...

Yep. Might as well go ahead and break the spaghetti pasta into smaller lengths so it will fit the pot. That will Americanize it.

Reminder - If you see someone stealing food, no you didn’t. 

I’ve been tempted to play a few times over the years, and every time I find myself tempted, I remember that it’s essentially like starting a book right in the middle and it’s a hard “no way” from me.

I’ve been waiting for good AR glasses/contacts for decades, I’m more hopeful than I used to be.

Marwa: [is enchanted to like everything Nandor likes, immediately starts trying to kiss Guillermo at the reception]

Me: Oh.

Deliberately creating a federal mosaic where whether one is married or single depends on what state they are in is objectively a stupid fucking goal.

I kind of have the same problem, but honestly it’s broader than just going to the movies. I’ve been out of the home a lot less in general. Not been out playing boardgames as much as pre-covid either, been going to the gym a lot less, been cycling a lot less, anything that just involves being somewhere out of the house

Remember: if you see someone shoplifting FOOD, no you fucking didn’t. 

I’m an equally confused social media manager. Outsourcing communications seems like an odd choice for a video game company, considering their product and consumer demographics.

He doesn’t need it to be in public domain. Weird Al’s work doesn’t violate copyright (because parody is fair use, and he’s obviously parodic), he just prefers not to upset people, since his intention isn’t to actually mock them. The “asking for permission” thing is just him being nice.

Ten years ago I wanted a Tesla.  Now I wouldn’t accept one for free.

Don’t mind me, I’m just rolling around in all this sweet, sweet money I get for negging on NFTs, paid by... paid by... um... you know... the anti-NFT lobby!

No joke is funny when you hear it 25 times a day

I get that new concepts and words can be hard. The singular “they” in English only goes back to the 14th century