This piece was first published on November 1, 2017. We’re bumping it today for the game’s five year anniversary.
This piece was first published on November 1, 2017. We’re bumping it today for the game’s five year anniversary.
If you are choosing a beer as good as Pseudo Sue, that just makes you sane.
I have a friend who bought Doom when it came out and called me up and asked me if I wanted to buy his copy, as he couldn’t play it without yakking within a couple of minutes. I had it already, so I passed. He can play, IF he get slammed on Benedryl, and it really messes him up. He can do flight and car simulators…
In the week since Fallout 76's release, it since has become one of 2018’s more divisive games. Its Metacritic page…
Well, if that ain’t the greatest summations of everything wrong with gaming and gaming culture (and a lot of the rest of the world) ever to be uttered, unironically.
Just all boycott the game already to show them we DON’T want a multiplayer online Fallout, especially one that is clobbered together using this 6 years old engine
I badly want this game to be a shitheap so Beth realizes how terrible an idea it is to turn Fallout into a micro-transaction hell, cross-platform, mobile game. Going well so far with the self-deletion and completely broken PVP.
Do we know yet if there are no interiors? Because that would seal it.
I was thinking of the SNL skit with Casey Affleck as a masshole Dunkin Donuts fan who gives his buddy“Vanilla Nut Taps”. I can’t believe ball tapping would be considered appropriate at any work place, even thinking back to when i was a teenager working with mostly other teens at fast food joints.
Fuck nazis, and their enablers.
Released on PC last week, Battletech is a new strategy/tactics game by Harebrained Schemes (Shadowrun). In the…
The Good Place is one of the funniest shows on television. It also makes me want to be a better person.
I think it’s not so much as not caring, as realizing the “enthusiast gamer” is the minority.
The choices are almost always the following in that game:
But he’s right.
The unfortunate truth is that hate groups thrive on this sort of mentality.
Youtube as a whole (for the most part) is just obnoxious to me. I hate all the “you guys” and the way everyone’s videos feel the same, are edited in the same kind of style. Even even those that aren’t find a way to be cringy to me. Youtube seems to me to be full of people that just love the sound of their own voice…
This is the argument of a mental toddler. By this logic, she should just stay quiet and try to “rise above it,” or some other bullshit.
Blizzard is making some changes to card packs in Hearthstone. No more duplicate legendary cards until you have them all, and starting with the next expansion, you’ll be guaranteed at least one legendary in the first ten packs of a new set.