
I think a real problem people had with Verhoeven is that he was seen as an outsider as he was clearly not an American. Verhoeven again and again was going over the basis of fascism is that “people who are trying to claim power will tell you lies until you give them that power, and then you’re disposable.” But people

All the Jan 6's with the Trumped up kicks better run, better run faster than the Justice Department.

Hi-Fi Rush and Pentiment are both very good games and people should play them if they haven’t had the opportunity to before.  Can’t say anything about Sea of Thieves or Grounded since they’re not really my thing.

Putting things like Hi-Fi Rush and Penitent on other platforms makes sense and is good precedent. These sorts of things are good games that deserve a wider audience and you’re likely to make more more money by “selling more copies” to people who don’t have an Xbox than you are by selling Xboxes to people who want to

Since a lot of this comes from video games in the RPG genre, I think this basically models how it works in the tabletop space.  If I have a specific idea about an NPC’s sexual orientation and this is going to relate to their story, then that’s how the NPC is going to be regardless.  But most of the time I don’t have a

I was recently playing the Guardians of the Galaxy game from 2021, and while it was a pretty good game the biggest problem with it was the number of times you’re left wondering “okay, where do I go next” after the dialogue ends, and the answer was generally “if you turn the camera in a specific direction you can find

Like normally when rioters destroy a car part of me feels bad because “that was somebody’s car, they might need it to get to places.” But this is a context where this was not anybody’s car (it belonged to a corporation) and nobody needed it to get places (if you needed a taxi, you could employ a taxi service staffed

This just seems like an example of “just because something upset you, that doesn’t mean anybody did anything wrong.” Like the kayfabe around Muppets is that you treat them as real in that you don’t acknowledge the puppeteer, not that you treat them as real in that you wouldn’t do things to Muppets if you wouldn’t do

I really just care about good games. Ideally every game would be good and every game would be released on every platform. Obviously the realities of business and technology make that unlikely, but we can still strive to live in a better world. 

This doesn’t seem that hard to do yourself.  Buffalo wing sauce is basically just hot sauce + butter + a few extra spices, and it’s well established that the active ingredients in cannabis are fat soluble.

So Sriracha is one of the simplest hot sauces to make at home- it’s just ripe jalapenos, garlic, sugar, and salt that is fermented for about 2 weeks.  The limiting reagent, of course (other than a setup to do fermentation) is “you need a lot of ripe peppers.”  Jalapenos are normally picked when vivid green, so they

I think my basic issue is that I just don’t want to kill the Justice League.  I can’t remember being this turned off by the premise of a game before.

The moral calculus is of course made muddy by the fact that if I pirated a song, instead of streaming it on Spotify after listening to it 200 times, I would have cost the artist less than one dollar.

Yeah, it’s more accurate to say that a corporation has a legal obligation not to enrich specific executives at the expense of the shareholders.  Like “looting the company for personal benefit” is generally agreed upon as a bad thing by anybody not benefiting from the looting.

Given the actual racial politics of France, this seems like a bad idea.

And indeed, if your CEO is a famous rock star that’s probably an argument for paying him even less! It’s not like Elon Musk is going to get a competitive offer from a competitor and leave Tesla, so we need to pay him enough to prevent headhunting.

One of the unstated reasons that 90% of new companies incorporate in Delaware is that Delaware corporate law has strong protections for shareholders, as the Court of the Chancery assumes a fiduciary duty to prevent corporations from harming themselves for the benefit of individual executives.

I just can’t imagine any situation where “go out and get breakfast” is more appealing than “not doing that.”  If it was on the way to something, the choice between “stopping for breakfast” or “not devoting any time to that” it might be close.

I mean, a real issue with Chapelle’s “jokes” about trans people is that they are not funny. Indeed, it’s basically the same comedic premises over and over again (“I identify as an attack helicopter” and “trans people are creeps” are the two basic ones.) He just believes that anything that gets people to get mad at him

Twitter’s policies that ban these things would be a lot more compelling if they didn’t fire basically the entire content moderation team, so that this sort of thing is only going to come to their attention when it makes the national news.