
I’m not ever going to scan an unknown QR code, even if the restaurant vouches for it.  If you want to have an online menu, give me a URL that I can type into my browser.

I would need some clarity on “how many credits does it cost to see a movie at a given time” but I suspect that’s something that’s going to be set by an algorithm that changes a lot.

Like, “Man or Muppet” won the Oscar, but “Life’s a Happy Song” probably belongs on here.

I appreciate that Stealth is going to be a focus again. I enjoyed the last three AC games quite a bit, but I sometimes was annoyed at how unnecessary/inconvenient being sneaky was. Like you could sneak into the fort and surreptitiously assassinate the officers, but both Kassandra and Eivor were walking apocalypses who

I mean, I didn’t buy very many games for $60 either. Everything comes down in price at least a little if you’re willing to wait. Like “$25" wasn’t a huge ask for like “9 month old Assassin’s Creed Game”, so I can live with $30-35 or just wait longer.

Well, so am I.  We argue about “what’s the Midwest” but Minnesota is always in the conversation.

I suspect this is a midwest thing that didn’t really cross the Mississippi. I’m currently south, east, and west of the Mississippi and have lived here most of my life and I’ve never seen these.  I’m not against them, I would just have to go to Wisconsin to buy a frozen burger and that doesn’t seem like a good reason.

It does feel like if the kids are going to consume something really sugary at school lunch, then “chocolate milk” is better than almost everything save “fruit.” I mean, chocolate milk is actually (entirely by accident) near the ideal ratio of carbs: protein for post-workout recovery.

Considering that these are Language Learning Models, not actual intelligences, that essentially work like “autocomplete on steroids” I’m not sure how ChatGPT could actually determine that it hadn’t written something. Like the way these things work is they scrape a great corpus of text to figure out what words are

The assumption that all these regulators appear to be making that I don’t really understand is that Activision’s brands are still going to be a big deal in 5, 10, 20, etc. years.

I am still willing to witness the beginning of a Dark Universe.

I would love to talk to Tom Cruise about John Carpenter’s 1982 horror classic.

Netflix has a real problem when a lot of the time I learn that a show *exists* when I read the article about it being *cancelled*.

Like when a big game comes out, I hate it when all the reviews essentially agree. I want to hear from the person who loved it, sure, but I also want to hear from the person who hated it. Give me the opinion of the person who has deep knowledge and familiarity with the the genre or franchise and give me someone who has

Yeah, I looked at the list and I literally don’t think I own physical copies of two games on the list.

I’m pretty sure what’s going on is “the questions for the next Jennings run have been written, the questions for the next Bialik run have not.”

I assume he’s adopting a puppy.  Wasn’t his previous claim that his dog was the CEO?

Yeah, it just genuinely feels that if you order your drink with less ice then the cup should not be as full.  Put the same amount of non-ice components in there, then add the requested amount of ice.

I can forgive the pairing of Chocolate and Cheese because it reminds me of one of the better Ween albums.

After the utter disaster that was Rise of Skywalker, I’m going to need a lot of convincing that “this is actually worth caring about” before I’m even willing to watch another Star Wars film.