
Chocolate Milk is honestly close to the ideal post-workout recovery beverage since it’s near the ideal carbs: protein ratio.

This honestly seems like standard fare for an Illumination picture. What they go for is “nice to look at, gags for the kids, references for the adults, and no real artistic value.”

I don’t see the reason I would care to push back about this. “Big games are available on only one platform” is a thing I’ve lived with since the days of “Sega does what Nintendon’t” and the only Activision Blizzard games I actually play are Diablo.

Yeah, if you name your restaurant “Beet” you don’t get to sue someone who has a Beet Salad on their menu.

I’m of the opinion that basically anything that is sweet and also savory needs to have the sweetness counterbalanced with heat.  Where exactly the fulcrum lies is going to vary person to person, but even as a youth I was dumping tons of red pepper flakes in my SpaghettiOs.

Really, all Seth Rogen needed to do to salvage the outfit was to wear a red tie tastefully monogrammed with “SR”.

Like it’s weird when I go to the grocery store if I buy the fresh boneless skinless chicken breasts it’s often I get these inch thick at the widest monsters, whereas the frozen ones are actually the size and shape I expect for chicken breasts.

I meant “the one you know is the actual New York Times is the one without the checkmark” but somehow a not got in there.

It’s ultimately better now to not have the checkmark, because then it’s clear that you’re not trying to impersonate someone or otherwise obtain fraudulent credibility. Like the one you know is not the actual New York Times is the one without the checkmark that is linking to NYT stories.

I get that the reason that you cast Seth Rogen in your movie is “you want a character who is a lot like Seth Rogen.” But the thing about dressing up for the premiere, all he had to do for a credible DK homage was “wear a red tie” so I would dock points for effort.

I’m reasonably certain that if Dominion were willing to settle, we wouldn’t have gotten into Discovery (which is how we know all of this internal stuff about Fox News hosts knowing damn well this stuff wasn’t true.) 

As a Minnesotan I do not consider Missouri, Ohio, or Indiana to be in the Midwest

So... what is Razer Gold used for?  Razer’s the company that makes like mice and keyboards right?

This generally feels like a “the text kitchen is getting waaaaay ahead of consumer demand” thing. Alternatively a “we were so preoccupied with whether we could, we didn’t stop to think if we should” thing.

I’m pretty sure that they’re going to end all the John Wick movies going forward in a way that could serve as an ending for the series, but doesn’t need to. After all, a film franchise going 4+ entries deep without diminishing returns either artistically or commercially is pretty rare.

The correct color for bath bombs is blue, since even cartoonishly blue water reads “water.” There are blue “?” in some mario game somewhere, right?

The post you are replying to is dated December 30th, 2015. Fallout 76 released November 14th, 2018. Considering that Fallout 76 ended up in a much better place *now* than it was when it launched, you will have to forgive past-me for not knowing how the future was going to be.

Our leaders are simply not serious people.

Like a lot of the busy work game writers have to do is stuff like “come up with 50 NPC barks for ‘I need more ammo’.” Which is totally the kind of thing that machine learning language software can expedite for you.  It shouldn’t be trusted with characters, plots, or worldbuilding but if you need “enough ways for the

In a sense “a large cup with a single ice cube and some cinnamon” would be a very surprising thing to get at Starbucks.