
“Indie” is kind of as meaningless in games as it is in music.  There are fuzzy hedges around the genre, as there are with any genre, but the word “indie” just means “you did it without the money and the opinion of a publisher or a label.”

I suppose in a sense this *is* the sequel to Disco Elysium.

I do not want Grimace with extra eyes.  The less I have to think about Grimace’s species, the better.

Why do they have additional eyes (beyond the standard pair)?

Far Cry 6 was a game of the year 2021.

I live South, East, and West (simultaneously) of the Mississippi and the one that was briefly open near me was a Rally’s (it closed and is now a Burger Time.) I’m not sure this is a useful data point.

I cannot respect Olive Garden after I learned the do not salt their pasta water because that saves them money on the warranty for the pans in which they cook the pasta.

Avatar is only Jim Cameron’s least impactful film since 1983 because he also directed two documentaries about underwater stuff. I’d probably give it the lean on Piranha 2 though.

Like the original video makes it abundantly clear that this is a joke, lampshading it with things like “use about 4/3 of the bottle” and “cook for 5-30 minutes” and “talking about how sleepy the fumes make you”, but the FDA release gives it legitimacy.

If it turns out that the product is decent, I will absolutely buy caramelized onions in a squeeze tube because they’re invariably a lot of time if not a work, and “making the exact amount you want” is tricky.  I do French Onion Soup the right way but I will cheat for sandwiches.

“Amazon Web Services costs too much money”?!  Isn’t AWS the single biggest moneymaker for Amazon.

Good luck to him, but if this works out I’m going to be shocked. It’s not like “game publisher” is a passive job where you evaluate games and give money to good ones. Your job as the publisher basically is to promote and indeed enforce the conditions that lead to a quality product for which “ones experience playing

I feel like “I’m going to go look around in a store with things I’m interested in while my parent looks around in a store I’m not interested in” was a thing in my distant childhood. So I think the problem is less “it’s illegal to leave your children unattended” and more about “these kids who wander into/are left at

The time has come for an American James Bond.

It just feels like any time you say “the person who beat me was cheating” whether that’s chess, or video games, or the 2020 U.S. presidential election you should need some evidence before people will take you seriously.

I was under the impression that these companies new that self-checkout would lead to a certain amount of loss compared to having a human being operate the checkout (both intentional shoplifting and honest “I hit the button for the cheaper kind of apples by accident and didn’t have the ability to fix it” stuff) but

It’s probably more likely that Hans got lucky and beat Magnus legitimately, and Magnus got mad. So Magnus, knowing that Hans was an admitted cheater as a minor is trying to end Hans’s chess career not by accusing him of anything specific (since that could be falsified) but by ensuring that controversy follows Hans

Doesn’t much of the squick factor for the ground meat/rice krispie treat dissipate when you actually touch it and realize it’s firm?  Or did they also make the texture reminiscent of ground meat?

At first I was genuinely unclear why “leaking footage of a game that is in progress of being made” was even considered a bad thing, since that sort of thing gets done on purpose all the time as “marketing”.  Then I saw people complaining that the game, which is not finished, “looks unfinished” and then I felt despair.

I dunno. The single player campaign seems like the selling point, but the assets and mechanics developed contribue to the online mode. It probably makes more sense to “support the online mode” rather than dropping expansions to the single player though.