
It’s probably more likely that Hans got lucky and beat Magnus legitimately, and Magnus got mad. So Magnus, knowing that Hans was an admitted cheater as a minor is trying to end Hans’s chess career not by accusing him of anything specific (since that could be falsified) but by ensuring that controversy follows Hans

Doesn’t much of the squick factor for the ground meat/rice krispie treat dissipate when you actually touch it and realize it’s firm?  Or did they also make the texture reminiscent of ground meat?

At first I was genuinely unclear why “leaking footage of a game that is in progress of being made” was even considered a bad thing, since that sort of thing gets done on purpose all the time as “marketing”.  Then I saw people complaining that the game, which is not finished, “looks unfinished” and then I felt despair.

I dunno. The single player campaign seems like the selling point, but the assets and mechanics developed contribue to the online mode. It probably makes more sense to “support the online mode” rather than dropping expansions to the single player though.

Backward compatible is not necessary, but when you’re talking about a video game console accessory that costs hundreds of dollars, it’s always going to be a hard sell. People have been told “VR is the next big thing” for the last decade and so far we haven’t seen anything that you cannot miss. So anything that makes

Demerit for the skeleton lovers needing to clearly indicate which one is the girl skeleton.  Skeletons don’t have hair!

I’m just never going to install an app to get food, particularly low quality food.  A $2 cheeseburger is a relative bargain for McDonalds to get access to all the data they can harvest via the app.

I mean, Knives Out is a movie that succeeds largely on the strength of its writing.  TFA is a movie that succeeds largely on the basis of people’s nostalgia for Star Wars.  Writing a mystery that works is much harder than “do Star Wars stuff.” 

I mean, Italians have come up with some novel ways to cook pasta on their own. Like Spaghetti all’Assassina is cooked in a skillet shallow enough to just submerge the noodles.

They stop pooping when they’re dead, it’s both sides of the “pooping” equation you’re concerned about. Usually when Ozzy gets a mouse, he just leaves a pile of viscera and maybe a detached leg and probably the tail in one spot. It’s a quick cleanup with a paper towel.

Really “Dragonlike” is right there.

Sure, but it’s weird to phrase “here’s a big issue that D&D has to wrestle with” without considering “here’s how other people who have published extremely similar games without stepping on the same rakes have addressed it” It’s not as though “game mechanics” are a thing you can copyright, and if Wizards wanted to

Sure, there are stat penalties assigned with certain ancestries in PF2, but the voluntary flaws rules nonetheless let you start with an 18 (the maximum abillity score at level 1) in any class’s key ability score regardless of your choice of ancestry or an 8 (the minimum) in any ability score except your class’s KAS.

It genuinely feels like the 2nd edition of Pathfinder has already solved a significant number of these problems already.

I find myself living in a world with far more milks than I actually need or want.

Star Frontier is a game set in space, that involves aliens (bugs, blobs, all the standard stuff). Trying to work in stereotypes about humans just seems like doing trying to do extra credit work for your bigotry.

My suspicion is that it’s about both tears and tears (specific to one Kingdom).  These aren't fully voiced, so you can use text-based ambiguity.

Well, in this case it’s pretty clear that Musk’s claim is in bad faith, since if you are trying to purchase Twitter for much, much more than it is worth, it’s likely you are not actually trying to buy it to make money.  If you’re trying to buy Twitter in order to make money, it is likely you are a fool.

I don’t believe there is any online platform that is not involved with making “advertise here” looking much better than it actually is, and the people who buy ad space online don’t actually seem to care or actually pay attention. So this seems like a potential problem and not an actual one. 

The basic notion that “the number of twitter accounts that are bots” is even relevant to anything is contingent on the assumption that “it matters how many followers you have” a thing I don’t think any serious twitter user has believed for a coming up on a decade now.