
I mean, I’m still never going to watch these again because I don’t want that woman to have any more money or power.

I have an unopened bottle of Karo Dark Corn Syrup with a best by date in 1986. I consider it a family heirloom. 

Satire is best when it chooses its targets with deliberate and precise focus, and isn’t just “wide band- we offend everybody” anyway.

Which you can still enjoy on the Switch, Steam, GOG, the iOS App Store, Xbox, etc.

Perhaps the lesson is just “don’t remake games, no matter how good they were in their day.” Since every game that actually ships is kind of a miracle held together with vaseline, mismatched socks, and happy accidents that can’t necessarily be replicated.

50% better and twice the price!

At a guess, they realized over the years trying to make the thing cheaper and cheaper to make have resulted in a thing that really isn’t very good.  So they’ll take it away for a years then come back with a “premium priced” choco taco that is better than the one you could buy last month, but not near as good as the

It’s always fair to not decide to buy a ticket before the movie actually comes out. I’m not guaranteed to buy a ticket to any of these movies, but if it turns out they’re really good (a thing I can figure out by soliciting other people’s opinions on them) then maybe I will! This is, in fact, the normal way to go about

In this home we recognize only one Kang:

I’m more interested in the plant based proteins that have properties you can’t find in an animal product. Like seitan has a fundamentally different texture than any actual meat, and that can be great!  If you’re in the lab considering developing for culinary properties without reference to any kind of animal product.

First Ave is an iconic music venue (it’s featured prominently in “Purple Rain” for example), it’s not a comedy club. Their modus operandi there since the 80s has been "be on the cutting edge of music"; comedy shows held there aren’t the norm. It’s a venue, so you could pretty much have anything there, but it was a

Going to a comedy show at First Ave is like going to a Podcast recording at CBGB.

I'm only going to care when he finally has no more input on the product from the creative side.

I miss forums.  I wish more games had forums.

I mean my state recently legalized edibles (possibly accidentally) so I tried it for the first time in my late 30s. I just don’t see what the big deal is. All I really got out of it was “a really nice night of sleep”.  Which is not a thing I believe the government should be against.

I’ve heard it described as “sweet ranch” which is a true mystery since I don’t know why someone would want ranch, let alone sweeter ranch.

Autopilot should be straight up illegal on public roads.  Things like "lane assist" and "the car will parallel park for you" are fine, but you cannot expect an AI to make choices like "do I hit the person in the intersection, or swerve and crash".

Wouldn't it be simpler to just eat a horseradish?

Doesn’t having a digital certificate of authenticity in addition to the physical object just make it a bigger pain in the ass to re-sell in case the item appreciates?  Like hypothetically, on the secondary market, two different people might end up owning the card/figure and the NFT that corresponds to it, and at that

Nothing Minecraft would ever want to do with selling skins, mods, etc. wouldn’t require (or benefit from) a blockchain anyway. Microsoft owns a great number of physical servers and have no real reason to run a peer-to-peer network instead of “use our servers for our stuff.”