
Wait, Petróleo doesn’t have clams in it?  I’ve never had a Michelada since I avoid shellfish for allergy reasons, but Tabasco, Maggi, and Worchestershire are things I just have in my kitchen.  Is the ratio just 1:1:1?

This is cool, but the ironic thing is that “Vanya” is already a masculine name in Russian. Diminutives in Russian always end in ‘-a’ regardless of whether they are masculine or feminine. So Sasha is the diminutive of Aleksander, and Vanya is the diminutive of Ivan (since Ivan is roughly “John” that would make “Vanya”

Yeah, I want to install as few apps as I can and don’t want payment information for anything on my phone.  The more apps are part of the dining experience, the less I want a part of it.

I mean, the basic problem is that most cupcakes come with like 6x more frosting than is appropriate.

I’ll be honest, I would have figured pancake mix had an expiration date because baking powder has an expiration date (as it loses its leavening power over time). Since “pancake mix” is just flour, baking powder, sugar, and salt (i.e. things I rarely run out of, so I’ve never bought pancake mix) it would naturally

I think the thing about hotdogs is that cheap hotdogs aren’t good and good hotdogs aren’t cheap.  Like your butcher probably makes a pretty decent one from scraps that come up as part of the job, but it’s also not $.99 for a pack of 10.

Nope. But you do want to strain the stuff before you mix in the dairy, since nobody wants to pick the chalazae out of their teeth. Doing this with completely raw eggs (that are nonetheless sterilized by alcohol+time) leads to a mixture that’s very smooth and not at all thick.

I make mine with a dozen good eggs (the kind that forage on bugs seasonally), 1.5c sugar, 1.5c bourbon, 1/2c cognac, 1/3 dark rum.  Mix that together and let it age in the fridge for 3 weeks (so the ethanol can kill the microbes), then strain and mix it with 6c whole milk and 1/2c heavy cream.  That brings it down to

Eggs are also the major flavor component in eggnog. So there’s precedent here.  It’s also pretty interesting that the major boxed cake mixes have largely gotten away from straight up “yellow” branding and now it’s all “Butter Recipe Yellow” or “Super Moist Yellow” (because fat=moisture when baking).

The answer to “why Doordash” is generally “because Doordash is a parasite and does not care what it destroys, just what it can exploit next”

I mean, I strongly suspect that “we’re just never going to release the other 99" is just a thing that was said, not anything that was in any sort of contractual language.  It feels like “people selling you things sometimes lie about the the circumstances around the sale in order to cultivate value in your mind” is

There are some things termed “salad” that are closer to dessert (e.g. ambrosia salad) so putting them in a waffle cone wouldn’t seem too weird.

Six foot long party sub.  Particularly if you refuse to share.

I honestly prefer the taste of Diet Coke to Classic, which is just as bad for you but has none of the nutritional value.

I am now resolved to eat more pointy food.

I don’t think I’ve had a drink at McDonalds since they added the dollar menu in the 90s.  Usually I’m either there for a specific thing I want, in which case I just order that, or I’m after value and water is free (or we have it at home.)

One would think that most Americans would understand that Russian people living in America might not be the biggest fans of the Russian regime, which is why they are in America and not Russia.

Considering there’s always been workarounds in these games to effectively pause them, many of which are more of a pain in the butt than a standard “pause” is.  It’s really past time for them to just put a pause button in the game.

Still, it’s better to spend your money on Pokemon cards than NFTs.

My biggest bar tab?  Like $22.