
I believe that it doesn’t require a lot of force (easy to build mechanical advantage into this sort of thing) and that sometimes all the skins will be left in the container.  But I’m not confident that we’re not going to get skins pushed through the holes sometimes.

The basic problem with NFTs is that I don’t want to live in a world where “digital assets” are a thing. The dream of the web is that “ownership” is fake, if I have a file then I can use it and if you have it then you can use it too. The whole drive to divvy this up into little cubes individually imprinted with serial

The funny thing is that the problem with Steam (what if the service goes down) is not solved with NFTs. Since the server that hosts the jpeg or whatever your NFT points at can go down, or just take that image down at any point and having a receipt on the blockchain gives you no recourse.

Wait, is having a ‘crypto-wallet” a precondition for working at Ubisoft?  That’s some dystopian shit.

Boneless wings are just upscale nuggets.

As someone who simultaneously lives south, east, and west of the Mississippi these “West vs. East” comparisons are always amusing to me.  Still, my butter isn’t very stubby.

While I’m morally against this, the crypto scam I kind of wanted to pull was based on the whole “own a color on the blockchain” thing that was going around.

I confess I was incendiary a few weeks ago when the clue was “A greener energy source” and the answer was CLEANCOAL. That was a big faceplant. As an answer it’s fine, but the clue should have been something like “Fossil fuel marketing term.”

I remember back in the day where Diablo II trading forums got to the point where people were actually exchanging items for forum currency (that was bought with money).

Twitter needs a “report for being an asshat” option.

1) The value of all cryptos is as “speculative assets”- their worth at some point in the future is a function of “more people want them in the future than want them now”. So no one who isn’t paid by the cyrpto industry should do their recruiting for them.

I was this many years old before I learned Nesquick was a powder and not a syrup.  I had just imagined it was like Hershey’s syrup until reading this post.

For visual distinctiveness consider rotating your crispix 30 degrees so there’s a vertex at the top and bottom of the image, rather than an edge.

I’m immediately blocking everybody I see with a hexagon avatar unless it is immediately obvious they’re not a cryptodork (like they’re a company whose logo was always hexagonal, or they’re making fun of cryptodorks.)

It seems obvious that the reason the situations is clear as mud is because whatever happens is going to require some level of negotiation (or breakdown in negotiation) between the tech giants, and if MS were to beat their chest about “CoD- only on Xbox” or something that might endanger the acquisition.

Ultimately the only real solution to misinformation is to work towards rebuilding a culture where we put stock in expertise and credibility that has been gradually eroding for my whole life (and probably longer).

Microsoft wants Activision’s incredibly popular and well-selling games, and sees an opportunity with a depressed stock price and a scandal besieged company.

I wonder what makes MS more money:

This seems to be a “Microsoft is cashing in because ActiBliz’s stock price took a severe dip because of all of the scandals, and Bobby Kotick engineering as graceful (and profitable) an exit as possible for a CEO capable of that level of mismanagement.

While the Supreme Court is an illegitimate and immoral institution as it is currently constituted, it’s much more likely that they will rule that “actually it’s fine for Disney executives to hunt and kill the homeless for sport” than it is for them to rule that I own Donald Duck because I bought a comic book.  It’s