
I just got back into Kittens Game a few weeks ago after seeing a tweet about it.  On one hand it is a productivity increaser since “stop clicking on stuff and wait 10 minutes” is sometimes the best way to play the game, but I also fall into cycles of constantly crafting to keep my Alloy production up with my

Boil peeled yukon golds until tender and falling apart, drain, blitz them in the food processor with minced garlic and unsalted butter, add milk while running until smooth and creamy then return to the pan, then stirring over medium heat add big handfuls of shredded mozzarella and gruyere until it becomes smooth and

I had a traditional bank make an error in my favor recently.  I was cashing in some savings bonds put in my name by my parents that were recently unearthed, and the person doing data entry entered the wrong date on one of them.  About a month later I got a letter that they “fixed” it.

Ginger Ale/Beer. You can dial in your particular level of ginger you’re looking for ranging from “barely discernable sugar water” to “beats your tastebuds up with the ginger stick.”

I fundamentally don’t understand why a receipt needs to involve a blockchain. Like if I buy a digital file from Amazon, Steam, iTunes, or whatever I will receive a receipt from the person who sold it to me . Why isn’t that enough? That receipt will exist in my e-mail or whatever, so I can access it easily with minimal

I mean, they *grow* coffee in El Salvador so you might be buying unprocessed coffee cherries from a farmer who doesn’t own a computer.

Bitcoin Skeptics: It’s not really money since you can’t use bitcoin to buy coffee with it.

But I mean, if you buy a CD I can rip it into a bunch of different formats, and if I loan it to you can rip it into other formats. What NFTs are trying to claim is my digital files are somehow better or realer or whatever than your digital files, even if they’re of the same thing in the same format.

Well, October is Squirrel Awareness Month.

It baffles me that my generation came to understand that MP3s are just as good as CDs, that ebooks are just as good as dead tree books, that your Steam library is just as valid as a stack of cartridges or discs, and that Netflix streaming is as good if not better than buying a bunch of DVD sets that we’re now trying

I mean, some years I’ll have fruit snacks in the bowl, and the Pearson’s Salted Nut Roll is always there and is at least better for you than Skittles.

I mean, one of the big sellers of McDonalds India is the McSpicy Paneer, which is also a fried cheese disc on a bun, so I am totally up for this.

I, for one, am I sucker for “mystery flavor”.  The 2021 “VOO-DEW” tastes like gummy worms and I would not recommend it.

The only likelihood of an edible ending up in the candy bowl is someone seeing it on a counter or something and thinking “oh, this must have fallen out of the candy bowl” and putting it in there. So it *could* happen, but if you’re the person paying for those edibles, just be sure that doesn’t happen. Not because of

Never support brands.  The key difference is that miracle whip is a known quantity, whereas mayo is something you can actually make from ingredients so it can be great or awful.

I suspect most searches for “Circus Peanuts” are “what are circus peanuts” or “what is up with circus peanuts”in nature.

No.  You can buy edible gold leaf at like JoAnn fabrics, putting it on food takes zero skill, and “adding an ingredient to the dish that contributes nothing to how it tastes” is a sign of a bad chef.  If I’m at a restaurant and I see anything on the menu that is covered in gold, I’m leaving and going to eat somewhere

The spinoff for kids is confusing until you realize that Sapkowski started writing these things as ironic deconstructions of fairy tales, with Geralt as the sardonic straightman to bounce things off of . The actual stories he commits to the page are probably not appropriate for kids (there’s a *lot* of sex in his

I guess the kids show version of the Witcher makes some sense since Andrzej Sapkowski started out writing these things as “deconstructions of iconic fairy tales” many of which will be familiar to a kids audience.  The ones he actually committed to the page may not be appropriate (there’s a *lot* of sex in his Beauty

So wings are absolutely not what I want from Taco Bell, but I have to say I am intrigued by queso seasoning.  “Exploring brave new worlds of dehydrated cheese powder” is the sort of thing I want my huge brands to do, since that’s not technology that’s available to the home cook.