
I gotta say “eating raw vegetables processed at ‘big chain’ scale” is always kind of like playing roulette with your microbiome.  So I’m not sure the Sweetgreen guy has what’s best for me in mind.

I have prickly pears in a sandbox in my back yard.  Can I eat those?

I imagine people orient themselves at all sorts of angles relative to gravity, and it’s just a matter of when the picture is taken.

I’m seconding the people who said “Nailed It”.  My baking fundamentals are very strong, and on that show everybody creates a disastrous monstrosity, but “who wins” always comes down to “whose creation actually tastes the best”.  So I can dominate the competition by remembering things like “greasing and flouring the

So this is certainly some sort of chef-chosen collection of ingredients that is then blended, piped into a mold, and cryovacced in order to sterilize/set it. That being the case, why aren’t the molds more fun shapes? A cube would give you six sides to sear and a tetrahedron would be more fun to eat.

It’s bizarre that Jennings engaging in “edgy” comedy that doesn’t land does more to hurt his chances to host Jeopardy than Bialik’s actual eugenics, pseudoscience, anti-vax, and zionism stuff.

Since the arc for the first set of games was “A bad GTA ripoff ->....-> Comedy Musical Set in Hell” I’m just hoping that the new set of games follows a similar trajectory but with a better starting point.

I appreciate at least that the Domino’s online storefront gives me an option to select “pay at the store”.  I hope that sort of thing becomes standard in our app-based future.

I think the most upsetting eating contest is the mayonnaise eating contest.  A pueblo slopper is at least something delicious that you would eat one of under the right conditions, but nobody is going to grab a spoon and just house a jar of mayonnaise under ordinary conditions. 

So presumably this is just a combination of ingredients pureed, piped into a mold, and cooked sous vide in order to sterilize/set it.  So if you’re relying on the mold to give it the final shape, why not choose something more fun?  Cubes would give you six sides to sear and pack just as well as these, while tetrahedra

I confess “bizzare Dew flavor” is something I would pick up a single can of if I saw in on the shelves at like Target, but not something I would order from a company’s online store.

The fun thing is that the only plausible outcome of Gat Out Of Hell that would result in another Saints Row game ever being made is “remake the universe so everybody gets another chance at life”, so a reboot is in canon with the original series.

So I’m part of the last generation of Americans to go through High School without cell phones, so this “everything is apps” future is kind of alienating to me.  I have thus far survived with never giving my phone my credit card information, so I guess I will continue to live outside of the brave new world of fast food.

My brother had that job for a while. You’re a guide for clients who hire you to get them to the top of the mountain because you know more about mountain climbing than they do. When you get rich people who want to climb Denali or something, the tips can be significant.

ATC only “failed” in the sense that they sunk ridiculous amounts of money on the giant climactic CGI battle at the end that added little to the movie, and so the budget to net ratio was not what Hollywood liked. Ghostbusters was never a phenomenally bankable brand, and lots of people saw (and liked) ATC.

So while Dr. Bialik does track in pseudoscience, has bad politics, and has an alarming lack of empathy for someone who is medicine adjacent in their training, unlike Mike Richards she was actually pretty good at hosting the show.

Count Chocula is really the only one of the Monster Cereals that is edible if you’re over 12.

Optics aside, “Slave 1" never really worked for me as a name since it just doesn’t sound like a name for a ship in Star Wars or anywhere else.

Isn’t there value specifically in having a show you’re marketing at children have name value that their parents are familiar with and thus presumably approve of?

I’m wondering what’s the angle to pay to advertise apple cider vinegar’s dubious uses.  I have no idea what it costs to advertise on a porn site, but I assume it’s not nothing, and I’m not sure this is really going to drive the sales of apple cider vinegar through the roof.  Vinegar seems like one of those things you