
I understand if you didn’t sample it, but the “Cotton Candy Cosmo” is genuinely upsetting. I don’t think anything should taste like cotton candy except spun sugar, and the whole premise of a cocktail (alcoholic or not) is the balance of sweet, sour, bitter, etc. If you want just sweet, you can drink sprite.

Really surprised the n-word is a binary instead of a slider given the rest of it, since there’s a real difference between like “track 2 of Enter the Wu-Tang” and the hard-R version. Like it’s got to be comparable to the difference between “I’m not cool with LBGTQ+ hate” and “I’m cool with *some* LGBTQ+ hate.”

I’d prefer to have both honey and mustard than a bottle of honey mustard- I’m not above mixing two things together. The problem with cravy is not the cranberry sauce (which is fine in canned form) but the gravy. I’m just not interested in gravy products that come from a can, jar, bottle, or mix. Gravy’s one of those

The problem with the peanut butter is not the taste of peanut butter but the texture- unless it’s a very hot day, it’s going to be too viscous to really work for dipping. If I dip a corn dog in a pot of mustard, I’m not going to have to hold onto the mustard to remove the corn dog.

Something like 70-90% of every angle including a non-white character pre-Rock (and like 50% after) is at least based on casual racism. It’s going to be pretty interesting to see where we draw the line. Obviously Vince saying the n-word needs to go, but are we going to excise the entire ouevre of “Cryme Tyme” or every

My tip from years of making Swedish meatballs, and having all of my non-immediate relatives living in Sweden, is that in order to get the right texture on the meatballs (they should be slightly springy) you want to really pulverize the pork into a paste with the spices and onion, mix in the panade, then gently mix in

Didn’t we just get Hanch like last week?

Marshmallows don’t really have a flavor other than “sugar” and “vanilla extract” anyway.

I own gravy boats (plural) but a lot of the time for a sauce that’s to be poured at the table I just use a pyrex measuring cup anyway. Perhaps when I emerge from my year long isolation once enough people get vaccinated I will feel the urge to be fancier.

As someone who is allergic to shellfish (a thing that *could* kill me) I think I’ll stick to cereals in clear plastic bags (like the malt-o-meal ones) or just make granola from now on.

Thanks, I now expect to be haunted by the word “Hanch”.

Wings are the worst part (of the traditional 4 parts you get two of per bird) of the chicken.  Like drumsticks treated like wings and drenched in wing sauce are vastly more satisfying to eat.  I have had wings one time during the pandemic and I made them myself.

Considering that fungus is a fairly aggressive form of life, they will grow literally anywhere they find the right conditions, it feels like mushrooms readily divorce themselves from their own cultural context.

Pepperoni rolls! Seriously, these caught on in West Virginia with coal miners primarily as an extremely portable, non-messy foodstuff that required no refrigeration or any particular careful handling.

It really feels like the only context in which an educator can give permission to say something in their classroom that isn’t normally permitted in like ordinary polite society, is if the actual topic of discussion is “the word in question” and it’s awkward to constantly dance around it.

Does the New Vegas on Gamepass come with the DLC?  If so, play that before Fallout 4.  Or, I guess play Fallout 4 if you don’t want to be disappointed by learning that Fallout can be more than Fallout 4 thinks it can be.

There’s really not a good reason to revisit Fallout 3 since New Vegas is available and really improves on the formula.  The better version of “Bethesda Fallout” is 4 also.

Right now there are steakhouses that can pinpoint on a map where the cow whose part you’re going to eat was raised and maybe show you a picture. I don’t see “meat as a boutique experience” ever going away. It’s just that actual meat as the “low cost, I don’t care so much really- I just want to eat something that

That feels in every way just worse than “not doing that.”

Couple weeks ago I saw a trending thing on twitter that some band was going to release an album as an NFT (I guess so that your copy is uniquely yours. Then I thought back to my music acquiring heyday where most of the music I wasn’t just downloading illegally (this was before companies figured out to just sell