
Two things that absolutely do not need to be more racist- tea and sugar.

Extremely excited about Legend of Mana coming to the Switch. All you really need to know about the game is that a plotline involves a monkey and anthropomorphic phonograph musical duo who are unable to express their true feelings towards each other, so one ends up having to descend to the underworld in order to save

I remember back when the original Kenner Star Wars toys were coming out, and each wave included characters whose names you would really only know if you read the package (Tobi Dala, Zuckus, 4-LOM, Death Squad Commander, etc.) but you could kind of convince yourself that you saw them in the movie.

Banana peppers are a great pizza topping!   What I mean is “limp slices of pickled cucumber the color of pickled banana peppers”.  Sometimes you’ll see them on like a “cheeseburger pizza”.  I think the worst pizza I’ve ever eaten had “50/50 mixture of ketchup and mustard in lieu of pizza sauce, ground beef, those

I wonder what percentage of people disdaining anchovies on pizza have ever had anchovies on pizza, or whether they just have the association “anchovies = gross pizza topping” in their head from media/popular culture.

There are times when being allergic to shellfish sucks (like when you go into anaphylaxis at a wedding reception because the crabcakes weren’t labeled, or when the air in the restaurant is suffused with fried shrimp allergens).  But I’m going to chock up “never going to need to pay a bunch of money for a giant sea bug

So as I understand it, as a cultural outsider there’s never a problem with making an “this recipe was inspired by another culture’s food”.  The problem lies in claiming “this is the good version” or “this is the improved version” as that’s patronizing and implies people who have made this dish for a while didn’t have

Does the fat content of the milk matter at all?  I’m not sure I want to buy whole milk just for this.

I’m sort of wondering how much of the demand for brand new consoles (which don’t really have much in the way of a library available yet) is fueled by “scalpers snap up a bunch of them to resell.” Since it’s never really made sense to me to buy a new console in the first couple years of its release, since that’s when

Considering that Lahmajun predates things like Pizza al Taglio (which predates other Italians styles) leaving it off while not leaving off things like the aforementioned Pizza al Taglio, Neopolitan Pizza, Sicilian Pizza, etc. seems weird. Like there are more Armenian Americans than Sicilian Americans by a longshot.

Lahmajun doesn’t make the cut?

Between TUFF ENUF last month and Doomsday Warrior this month we’re really exploring the “let’s cash in on Street Fighter II” era before the SNES actually got Street Fighter 2.

My mom accidentally used the dog shampoo once, announced how much she liked it, and used it again even though I told her it was dog shampoo (this was Tropiclean, I think). I then separated it from the other shampoos.

Was Anthem really a thing anybody wanted?  Like I’ve been a fan of Bioware forever, and I’ve liked virtually all of their games prior to Anthem (didn’t much care for MDK2 and the Sonic RPG is what it is), but I legitimately never saw the appeal in this one.

Weird thing about the impossible whopper is that despite the considerable sodium content in the formula for the patty, it still tastes underseasoned.  Whereas it really doesn’t take much salt (like 1/2 tsp for 4) to properly season a hamburger.

Curly Top, the Dairy Queen mascot with the inflatable costume would be deeply satisfying to kick really hard.

While it’s less likely “you just have it around” than tomato paste (it doesn’t keep particularly well outside of the freezer), biber salçası is an excellent substitute for tomato paste. I keep it around (in little jelly jars in the freezer) for lahmajun and have substituted it for tomato paste on more than one

Well it can’t be *anything* that’s not tuna. I know it’s not escolar because it hasn’t given me keriorrhea, I know it’s not amatoxin because I’ve survived eating it, I know it’s not antimatter since I have yet to see a Subway explode in a matter-antimatter annihilation reaction, etc.

The thing I’ve learned in our plague year is that the best frozen pizza comes from “local pizza restaurants who have expanded into the frozen sphere in order to keep the lights on during the pandemic.”  Like I think the best frozen pizza I’ve had this year was Mucci’s meatball pizza.

I live in fear of someone proposing to me over a meal of perhaps my favorite thing to eat- tacos.