
My question is about the “mixed spice”. Is that something I should special order, or can I just make it if I have cinnamon, coriander, caraway, nutmeg, ginger,clove, allspice, and mace sitting around? Is just “2 tsp of any combination of spices that works with pumpkin” what I’m going for here?

While cookbook authors tend to be underpaid, MTN DEW probably miscalculated based on the $30 price. There are a huge number of better and more interesting cookbooks in that price range, so the only value of this is novelty and $30 is a lot for novelty (particularly given that basically everything in it is going to be

Initially I read the headline of, and thought they were making an action figure line *of the cocktail* which made me think about which action figures depicting cocktails I would buy. Maybe a Ramos Gin Fizz and a Mai Tai.

Presumably McDonalds approached Beyond with an offer like “Hey, we want to create a plant based burger, and we want your help, but we want it to taste like a McDonalds burger”.

I’m still content to just play the originals, but I’m glad that people who want a shinier version can get one.  The Mass Effect trilogy I want is one they’ve rebuilt to have unified game mechanics over the three games, but waiting for that might be a while.

“Some of those who work forces, are the same who burn crosses...and I want to be clear that we are talking about the intersection of law enforcement and white supremacy... which is a bad thing, you should not want that.”

For the last few years, which have had a lot of anxiety associated with them, it’s been Crypt of the Necrodancer. Since you have to actually listen to the music to follow the beat, it is a great source of abnegation.

The conspiracy theory du jour is that Trump voters (who apparently can be distinguished easily by sight) were given sharpies instead of regular black pens, thus causing their ballots to be invalidated... as though a scantron can differentiate between two kinds of black ink.

They’re going to have to figure out whether to say “count the votes” or “stop counting the votes” since what they really mean is “only count the votes that go the way I want them to go” but that’s not a convincing argument.

But the poor pupper has to get those things out!

I could hardly care less about 4k (or resolution in general; I always turn specs on PC games as low as they can go) but I have to ask- backwards compatibility is a big deal with the new Xboxes, and the series S doesn’t have an optical drive- so is there any way at all to transfer my old Xbox games to the Series S if

Sometimes I google image search“trypophobia” because I like looking at all the pictures of things with little holes in them... do I have trypophilia?

Are we going to be spared a “WAR ON CHRISTMAS” reactionary outrage this time, since those people have something else to get mad about now (sharpies apparently)?

I mean the Space Jam website is still up basically unchanged from its original form, if you needed a template to copy from for a website of that era.

Yes. In my home growing up, as my grandparents were immigrants from Sweden, all of the Christmas festivities continued until January 13th (Tjugondag Jul) at which point you took down the tree, etc.

I think the only hot sauce I would go out of my way to ensure I’ve got is Marie Sharp’s Hot Habanero.  There are hotter sauces in the Sharp canon, but I think the “Hot Habanero” does the best job of balancing heat and flavor (the Belizean Heat is no joke!).  I’m a big fan of her grapefruit habanero sauce too.

A lot of super poisonous mushrooms look a lot like tasty once (and some of the deadly kinds are tasty when you eat them, it’s just a bad idea). So if you’re not super-confident in your ability to identify mushrooms there’s probably a better hobby to find. Remember, fungus isn’t poisonous for tactical reasons (like

I think the clearest example, even moreso than wine grapes, is onions. More sulfrous soul-more pungent onions, less sulfrous soil- sweeter onions.  So for example, Vidalia GA has soil that is particularly low in sulfur, hence the iconic “Vidalia Onion.”

Well, I knew that Kotick and Palmer Lucky were absolutely terrible trash fires of supposed humans, and that Tim Schafer is a decent guy, but it’s nice to know that everybody between Kotick and Schafer isn’t a total disaster.

The egg white really does add a lot to the gin fizz (technically a silver fizz based on the egg). If you’re anxious about eating raw eggs, you can buy pasteurized ones or pasteurize them at home with an immersion circulator (about 2 hours at 135F). The downside is that with pasteurized eggs you’re going to need to