
I concur that the “pineapple pizza” is akin to one of those “high degree of difficulty” competition dives. If you screw it up, it’s gonna be a lot worse than if you did something easier with the same degree of competency. Like I’ve had some dire pepperoni pizzas, that were nonetheless tolerable.

Personally, I’m hoping that Sonya, or Cassie, or Jacqui or whomever uses time powers to go back and dismantle the patriarchy in their ending. At least then I can be conflicted about “which ending is best” (It’s still almost certainly Jax’s though.)

I mean, it wasn’t a great plan even from the objectives of the perpetrators; Miralax is extremely gentle- it’s what they give to like babies or the elderly to ease constipation because there’s basically no way it can hurt you. I mean, the pre-colonoscopy routine of “drink 2 whole bottles mixed with gatorade (so you

I feel like if I’m just going to take a bite into a whole lemon, the rind might be the least unpleasant part of that experience.

Would it be appropriation to just use an indigenous word, which is not an identifier for a group of people, in your business name? I’m just saying because the Ojibwe word for “coffee” is “makade-mashkikiwaaboo” which is just a delightful concatenation of syllables.

As someone with a background in physics, I already know the speed of light: it is 1.

My saskatoons are bushes, and are not quite tall enough to be out of rabbit reach. If I had the tree ones, I probably wouldn’t be able to harvest them all.

So far as I can tell there has yet to be a “defense of gamers/gaming” that has not made me, a person who enjoys video games, think less of the medium and its enthusiasts.

I’m really hoping the rabbits don’t eat all my saskatoon berries this year so I can make jam out of them.

I contest, though that chess pie needs another flavor in it. Whether it’s lemon or buttermilk or coconut, chocolate, nuts, or whatever it’s just not enough to do sugars, milk products, eggs, vanilla, and corn meal.

So I looked up the recipe and it’s basically a lemon chess pie without the lemon (just add more fat and sugar to compensate for the loss in flavor.) I was hoping it would have been something more exciting.

So an Instant Pot is just an electric pressure cooker (at least here, I hear tell it has more settings) so this same approach would work in any pressure cooker, right?

I mean, if I was going to add things to tea that I do not want in my tea (like milk and sugar) I would use an Assam.

So if I were to be chosen for this and then, upon arriving in Hawaii, just run (or more likely walk) away and treat this as a $6 one-way ticket to Hawaii, would I spend the rest of my life eluding capture by the Arby’s corporation?

I’m just sitting here with a direct sourced Darjeeling SFTGFOP and recoiling in horror.

Games also do not need graphics, sound, subtitles, the color blue, a save feature, or controller options. But nonetheless (almost all) games are better for their inclusion.

It feels super weird to me for people who are not the artist (or even like close personal friends of the artist) feel like they have a perspective on authorial intent that is more authoritative than anybody else’s.

It’s pretty weird how attitudes towards “cheating” in video games have evolved over the years. I remember when I was a kid, the primary value of things like “video game magazines” was that they had the cheats in them. I knew one kid who was was briefly the coolest kid in school since he was the first in his peer

I just have the biggest conceptual problem with eating liver, as the organ is fundamentally a filter for poisons which is not something I want to put in my body, even if it does taste good or is ethical. I mean, it’s not going to be more ethical than cauliflower, probably.

At the grocery store yesterday, I spent like 25 minutes unsuccessfully hunting for a single serving size full fat plain Greek yogurt (I needed a half-cup for a recipe). So I’d really appreciate it if there was room in our hearts and shelves for just one more kind of yogurt.