
It’s beyond bizarre, however, that they’re choosing to market the game with the social allegory stuff (which will be good or bad only in the full context of the way that the game presents it) and not “you’re a cool cyborg and you can sneak around an do stuff.”

I like this idea, but I wish it wasn’t limited to 5th edition.

1) Fallout: New Vegas

Apparently a lot of people don’t understand the effect of the Watergate scandal from a historical perspective.

Hooray, this is easily my favorite game of the last generation. Shame that we probably won’t get mod support on it, since there are some really outstanding mods for New Vegas on PC.

First off, Nixon was not impeached. He resigned because he was almost certainly facing impeachment. The popular perception of “Impeachment” is that it’s synonymous with removal from office, but it is not. An impeachment of a public servant is simply a formal finding of wrongdoing, it implies no particular punishment

The “ruin my career” bit seems to point clearly to a Gamergate reference, rather than a Watergate reference. The former harassment campaign was explicitly an attempt to ruin Ms. Quinn’s career, whereas the political scandal is more synonmous with making careers (notably Woodward and Bernstein, but the Washington Post

One of my major complaints about how Bethesda has handled Fallout was their near-complete lack of interest in humanizing Raiders beyond “they’re cannon fodder with Mad Max inspired fashion choices” and completely stripping whatever tribal identity they might have had. Strictly speaking, in Fallout terms, “Raiders”

Color me genuinely confused as to why Zelda, (male) Link, and Gannon (a woman and two men) is “balanced” but Zelda, (female) Link, and Gannon (two women and a man) would not be.

This is a really common tactic in your anti-feminism/gamergate adjacent troll hives. Generally, though, it’s mostly fake tweets. Unfortunately this is also a really effective tactic because a lot of people hang out in those channels in order to hear what they want to hear. So you can see waves of harassment towards

I’m not sure that the videogame that would make a great film adaptation exists yet. To my mind, in order for a video game to qualify for a tremendous adaptation to screen it needs to pass two tests:

I believe that blaming review scores for toxic behavior among fans of games or for the moneygrubbing behavior of publishers is probably confusing the symptom for the cause.

Is “being aware” of eSports all that significant? I mean, I’ve watched all the road to EVO events for years, but I have no interest whatsoever in watching a MOBA or a shooter.

I mean, the last time Vegas was overrun by Raiders it was pretty great, so let’s do it.

What I’m saying, however, is that there is no such thing as a *true* opinion of a game, any more than there is a *true* opinion of a book, movie, album, pizza, or sandwich. People are just going to like what they like and the purpose of a review is for the reviewer to explain what a reviewer liked or didn’t like about

What’s more likely? Someone says “I don’t like that game” because they don’t like the game, or someone says “I don’t like that game” because they’re being unprofessional?

Gamergate’s many, many, many (ad nauseum) sins aside, it’s continually baffling to me how many fans of videogames struggle with the notion that when someone tells you that they dislike (or like) a game, they’re likely telling the truth even if you have (or expect to have, since these review controversies regularly

I’m not really a germophobe, but if I’m walking through a Best Buy and there’s an “Oculus Rift” demo station, there’s no way I’m putting it on my head unless there’s someone wiping it down with antibacterial wipes after everybody uses it. Since, you don’t know what you’re going to catch from whoever used it before you

I’m surprised by the curious omission of Captain Crunch and all the other cereals that taste like it (Quisp, King Vitaman, Mr. T Cereal, etc.) as those are a cut above everything else.

I am deeply skeptical of any claims that they won’t “split the market” and that “all games will be playable on both models”. Invariably you’re going to end up with a situation like Hyrule Warriors on the n3DS/3DS where the game is technically playable on the inferior hardware (i.e. the software executes) but the frame