
Bless You Tim Rogers. I love this series.

Respect. I am also a father and have been keeping a list of the games I play for the past three years now too. It was great to see I’m not alone and compare our methods. I only totaled about 30 myself this, but many were long and I’m also not the Editor-in-Chief of a cool gaming publication. ;)

Why is this not Terry Crews? You know Terry Crews would have totally done this and the proportions would have been more correct too!

Breath of the Wild! I just picked it up for Wii U. I wouldn’t call myself a Zelda fan by any stretch, but I may be a convert soon. Only a few hours in and it’s already enchanting. So many great games out lately. I can’t keep up!

They need to make this a standard feature for all jrpgs. It’s best part of emulation gaming. I love jrpgs, but I can’t play games that don’t respect my limited time.

Based on the 10 hours I managed to slog through back during original release, I’d say that seems pretty accurate. This fast forward feature may be game changer for me though. I think should become a standard jrpg feature.

Agreed. Preserving gaming history is vitally important, but forcing each future console iteration to play an ever expanding list past games is unfeasible. PC emulation seems like a much more effective and long term solution.

Juat finished Inside and DOOM, both excellent. Now for some backlog mining, maybe Deus Ex, Majora’s 3DS, or Sunset Overdrive.... decisisons.

FF15, but I might also slide in some Skyrim remaster. I like FF15, but it’s a beautiful disaster in many regards.

May 6th? Could it really come out so soon?

I appreciate the clarification. Now that I better understand, I agree with you. It’s certainly a fine line, but I believe overprotection comes with its own potential issues.

Desensitized? Well that’s rude. My 3 year old loves it. Do you even have any kids?

My 3 year old loves Spirited Away.

Great list, but I would add Tales of Phantasia over a few of those listed.