Helpful Jones

My main concerns: how do I backup a passkey and/or transfer it to a replacement device when my old device fails, gets damaged, lost or stolen? If someone else gains possession of my device when it is unlocked, can they authenticate as me? What if I get mugged for my phone and the mugger forces me to unlock it?

No mortgage, no car payment, you can cook at home, you aren’t burning though tanks of gas commuting, you aren’t buying work clothes, you don’t need the fat cell-phone data plan because you have wifi 99% of the time... Your living expenses *should* plummet precipitously. I agree with calling the 80% figure BS -- unless

Holy Cringeworthy!!

We’ve always used tinfoil and it’s worked great to minimize grease going down the drain. Grab some tin foil to make a half-assed bowl of a suitable size, pour in hot grease, wipe pan with paper towel, put paper towel in foil with grease. When relatively cool, close up foil bowl and dispose in trash.

Honestly, you couldn’t tell she had done it — the hot fudge flavor was not affected.

Any study to the contrary will not replace first hand, demonstrated experience spanning nearly a century. What I do know from first hand experience (and my experience is clearly not unique to me) is that multiple generations in my family have lived to their 80's - 100's with gas heat/cooking with no related issues.

What I do know from first hand experience is that multiple generations have lived to their 80's - 100's with gas heat/cooking with no related issues.

A ridiculous comparison. Gas heat/cooking is not “leeches” and you know it. Stop being intellectually dishonest and dig deep to find some integrity.

A ridiculous comparison. Gas heat/cooking is not “corporal punishment in schools” and you know it. Stop being intellectually dishonest and dig deep to find some integrity.

A ridiculous comparison. Gas heat/cooking is not “asbestos” and you know it. Stop being intellectually dishonest and dig deep to find some integrity.

First job I had was at a Dairy Queen (1970's) and the manager would “stretch” the hot fudge by adding strong coffee to it.

Are we talking about the demonstrated, experienced health effects of natural gas for heat and cooking, or ingesting leeches? Please stop being intellectually dishonest.

As long as the change is voluntary, there’s no issue. Did we not learn any lessons when govt gets involved with telling us what lightbulbs we can buy, how much water our toilets can flush and what more expensive blend of gas we must buy?

Are we talking about the demonstrated, experienced health effects of natural gas for heat and cooking, or ingesting leaded gas and asbestos? Please stop being intellectually dishonest.

The game will succeed or fail on it’s own merits. The public is quickly growing weary of the virtue-signal screeching of the trans community and it’s supporters in the vocal minority it’s on the verge of backfiring, if it hasn’t already.

Can’t recall where I saw this, but it works every time for me. Try these four words. You are almost guaranteed to have the word narrowed down enough that you, more often than not, only need the fifth guess to solve it:

Gas appliances were not invented yesterday. We have gazillions of years of experience with gas stoves, gas furnaces, oil furnaces, wood burning boilers and on and on. As risks in the home go, modern gas stoves/ovens are well towards the bottom of the list. Careless use does not discriminate between electric, gas or

pure-blooded = unvaxed & untainted by C19 vax inducing myocarditis, blood clots and “sudden death” syndrome.

Whatever helps you maintain your confirmation biases and intellectual dishonesty enough to sleep at night — at least until the vax induced myocarditis and blood clots decide differently.

The elephant in the room is that it’s the vaccinated that are “dying suddenly”, not the unvaccinated. But don’t take my word for it, look it up -- that is, if you care to risk damage to your confirmation biases.