
Excellent..Killing me

I always thought that career folks found their career as their fulfillment, it was interesting to see that even they yearn for more.

I think every mother has those days, like Joan, when she feels a bit resentful of the responsibility if a chid and how motherhood narrows her choices…there, I said it…I think Christina's face as she exited her apartment was spot on in showing that frustration.

Mr. Teti, darn you can write…"That’s a tough circle to square…" Love it. Great review

Excellent review…I, too, found Hunnam's acting amazing…it had to be tough to maintain that level of intensity in the Wendy scene, the Unser scene, the Juice scene, and the Nero scene. Hunnam has had other terrific acting moments over the seasons though. Off the top of my head, i am reminded of Season One…The Tara