
This is probably the dumbest article I’ve ever seen published on this website.

this website is fucking awful now. the constant bombardment of unwanted interstitial video, never ending pop up overlays trying to sign me up for newsletters, the constant plugs for other websites that i should read, why, because they’re on the same publishing platform? (seriously, why the fuck would ANYONE read an

I don’t see the supposedly disingenuous argument here. A big part of this piece is about community efforts to combat Chicago’s ongoing gun violence problem. Noah’s point is something to the effect of “Chicago has a number of problems, but the factors that cause them are numerous and complex. Also, there are many good

I think you missed the second video from the show, which took place in..........the south side. I think you actually missed the first video as well, since I didn’t see any disingenuous arguments, nor did I see an argument that ignored the crime in the city. If I’m being objective, your comment is more disingenuous

No, you’re a bitter whiner nerd and all your comments betray it; I wonder if you think hard about why no one likes you or if you’re mystified by it

It took Jackie Chan for me to break down and read a second article in endless-scrolling Kinja.

Dear Mr. Kevin Pang,