Billy Jack

The words spray painted on the building were spelled correctly. It might not have been a Trump supporter.

It was goddamn glorious, wasn’t it?

Especially when the alternative is exciting for being the worst candidate in history.

Right? Bernie was boring and nobody looks back and says he was a bad candidate. He was just boring and wrong. Hillary is not boring per say, but she is status quo I guess.

Have you ever met a gay person who speaks this way? This was written by immature straight boys who think “gay” is a slur.

Nothing like the deplorables going out on top with a ton of class. Disgusting.

The Bible tells us that it is always the woman’s fault.

You lost them at “semi-coherent.”

Has anyone on the Bill Clinton’s a rapist train been able to semi-coherently explain why that’s Hillary’s problem?

Just adjacent to the Complete Idiots Guide To Books For Dummies section. I am asked for this section on a daily basis.

Probably because a lot of the Republican base aren’t really principled republicans, but really just assholes who like to stick it to “the others”. They could give a shit about small government or fiscal conservatism. They just want to keep women in the kitchen, gays in the closet, and godless heathens underground. But

ALSO, a “christian” should avoid sexual conquests.

Ben Carson is objectively a fucking moron, I genuinely don’t think his blackness has anything to do with how people view him in the context of the presidential primary.

how can i buy this for my kid?

A lot of his most fervent supporters don’t want democracy. Or even a republic. A Constitutional Monarchy might even be too much for them. They want a Theocracy. They want 1980s Iran with a Christian in charge.

This is absolutely true. This is a group of people that believe Trump is honest, a good businessman, has integrity, is not corrupt, is a good God-fearing Christian, and is a guy that just tells it like it is.

And he’s a clear and present danger to free speech, as laid out so well in the piece.

This has gone beyond “not liking” the guy.

Summarizing the reasons provided above for why this makes sense as “not liking him” is reductive bullshit. Those are facts, not feelings.

I mean, CNN and other outlets threw away some of those principles over the past year because they did like the guy (or at least the ratings he brought in). So let’s not pretend they have much moral high ground to stand on in the first place.