Helmut Kravitz

That filmed scene never aired, so it’s not canon. There’s a million reasons they would have cut it, and I’m thinking it’s probably because they decided to change the edit to have Sansa and Arya be secretly in cahoots from earlier. That’s the impression I had from the moment they all started acting strangely.

I think

Not the trial we deserve, but the trial we need. Nobody’s accusing Westeros of having a fair trial system - the vast majority of formal disputes are literally settled by combat. Littlefinger deserved to die — they knew it, we knew it, they made it happen.

I don’t think Arya was ever convinced that the letter Sansa

I assumed the entire back-half of the season that Arya and Sansa were fucking with Littlefinger, so it all tracked for me. I get that’s a minority perspective, but it’s a genuine one. They went to painstaking ends in the first few episodes to demonstrate that a) Arya can trivially out-sneak anyone in Westeros, b)